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Marklin has made me so upset, I wasn't even being hostile to him like I was at the beginning, I was opening up to him. I thought we were bonding, I even talked about moving to Los Angeles with him, which should have told him that I trusted him and he invited Magpie to his party. He thinks he's doing what's right but how is he not seeing the dark side of this? How can he not think about me? About what her being here would do to me.

I love being alone, but there are times I don't wish to be, because if I am, I would start thinking and then my thoughts would catch up and the last thing I need right is an uncontainable episode, not even Nat Geo Wild would help me when I get that worse.
Pushing open the door to Flops, I walk over to the counter to get my usual, but the Freddie I see is different from the one I normally see. Usually her face would brightens up at the sight of me like I'm the light in her life, she would always give me a genuine warm smile, but this version is cold. She isn't laughing or faking a smile, she isn't even trying to hide her distaste for me.

"My usual," I tell her. If she wants to pouts then she should. I don't have time for mid life crisis.

People can't take the truth and yet they seek it. Such weak minded people. It's better how I told her that we aren't anything more than we are, we are not friends and I don't like people who acts like we're more than we really are. It's annoying.

"You think because you said your usual I'm just going to make it? I have lots of regulars, you can't expect me to memorize all their orders," she replies with a considerable amount of coldness but she doesn't know how to get angry or act hostile.

"You could have just asked. I want coffee. Black."

She hums and goes to make my coffee. I use the free time to get my phone and AirPods out, quickly unlocking my phone and scrolling through my 'management' playlist. It's the list of Heavy metals songs I listen to whenever I feel like my anger can't be contained hence the playlist name 'management' like an anger management playlist.

Marklin hurt me. He hurt me so much and if I'd allowed myself to feel all the emotions I was supposed to feel after that phone call, I would be on rampage but I've learned to not always let my emotions control me and get the best of me.

I connect my AirPods to my phone before fixing them in my ear. Freddie slams my coffee on the counter. "Regular black coffee and my spit, enjoy."

She's behaving like a child.

Clicking the play button, music fills my ear, drowning all other noise in the background, I grab the coffee off the counter.

My usual sitting spot in the cafe is empty again and the place is packed today, and no one is sitting there.

They probably found out it's my usual spot.


Placing my bag and coffee on the table before sitting. I bring out my sketchpad and pencil to doodle.

I'm supposed to showcase my creation this year, a painting but I haven't started working on it. All I do is sketch and sketch. It's time I start making some changes in my life. This semester is almost over, our finals is less than a month away and I have so much to catch up on.

I need to start working on my painting. If only I knew what it's going to be about.

Minutes into my infinity doodle, the chair in front of me moves, making metal scraping sounds as it's drag back. I don't look to know who it because I already know the person. His earthy scent is distinctive. And I'll know patchouli anywhere I smell it.

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