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Three things, I did three things today that I never thought I would ever do. If you'd ask me last week that I would sit with Hilsa and have a conversation with her about how she's doing, I would laugh in your face.

If you'd ask me if I ever wanted to invited her on her date, contract or no contract, I would tell you never in my life would I invite someone like her out, but that was before I knew there's something eating at her and I want to do my best to make her feel that the anger she's holding onto will do her no good.

I kissed her today. Twice. I never meant to but I saw her fist clenching from the staircase and I knew I couldn't let her hit Landon in front of those people. Landon have been patient with her, letting her assault him whenever she wanted but his patients is running out and it's only a matter of time before he retaliate in the worst possible way.

There are other ways to get her to stop hitting Landon but my body chose to kiss before my brain could process and sanction the activity.

Her lips were so soft and small and cold. I wanted to warm her lips with mine, I wanted to give her all my body heat and most of all, I never wanted to stop because kissing Hilsa is the best. The way her lips moved against mine, her body pressing and her tongue battling mine like it was her favorite field.

That girl is driving me nuts and the more I get close to her, the more she sucks me in.

I still have enough time to distance myself from her but I don't want to, I can't, at least not now.

Stopping in front of our apartment, the one I share with Darren and Wally. Actually, Darren owns the place, Wally and I are just renting rooms from him.

It's almost two and very early for Wally and Darren to return. They will probably stumble in in the morning, though I didn't see either of them at the party.
Removing my key from pocket, I unlock the door, letting myself in but the lights are on, which means they forgot to turns them off before leaving or they are here. Not going out on Friday will be usual for them, so I'm ruling it out. The asshole forgot to turn on the lights.

I go to the kitchen to get myself water but the contract we made that's pasted on fridge glared back at me.

What was I thinking suggesting something like that?

My hand goes into the pocket of my leather jacket and take out the drawing I collected from Hilsa. I was shocked that she gave me even though I really wanted it because I wanted to have something of hers. Her talent impressed me, although it's a little dark but I'm not surprised by it. She isn't someone that'll sketch flowers and hearts.

I unfold the sheet and place it on the fridge, holding it with my hand before securing it with magnets.

The details in the drawings is impressive, it's just a doodle but all the parts are there from the head to the balls, and those knives are sharp. The whole doodle itself is quite informative.

Masculine laughter rings in my ear as it gets closer, I open the fridge and grab a bottled water, and slam the fridge before turning to the direction of the door.

Wally and Darren enters the room, Wally is on Darren's back getting a piggyback ride, one of his hand is wrap around Darren's neck while the second is up. Both of them laughing like they're high on laughing gas.

"What are you doing?" I ask them.

Laughter dies as they spot me leaning against fridge blinking at them. Wally is the first of get over the shock and slides down Darren back, clearing his throat.

"What are you...what are you doing here?" He asks and looks at Darren. "If you must know we were just playing around."

Darren clears his throat.
"I live here."

Wally glances down at his wrist watch and frowns. "At this time of the day?"

I don't understand their surprise to see me, I should be one surprised because they're one that's hardly here on Friday.

"Did Hilsa draw that?" Darren asks.

I look at him to his eyes on the doodle pasted on the fridge.

"How did you know?" I need to ask because how the fuck did he knows. Anyone else could have drawn that and he mention her.

"I can recognize her work anywhere."

Her working anywhere. He knows her, he more than knows her.

This prompt me to ask. "How exactly do you know her? Did you date or something?"

"Or something." He shrugs.

Wally walks up to me and removes the sheet from the fridge, he turns around without looking away from it. "Now that's messed up," he murmurs.

"What?" Darren asks.

"What?" Wally looks at him like he really had to ask what. "She drew knives impaled in every part of a cock and you're asking what." He looks at me and waves the sheet in my face. "I think you should rethink your role in the contract, what if she actually does this to your cock?"

"That wouldn't shock me," Darren adds.


Even that shocks me. I know Hilsa is crazy but she wouldn't actually do it.

"Hilsa has always been dark."

Wow, good to know because I'm going out with her tomorrow.

"Guys listen, I want to um..." Clearing my throat. "I want to cancel the contact, our plan to destroy Hilsa, I'm no longer interested."

I've given it a real thought and I can't do it to her. I want to get to know her with no strings attached, yeah, finding out about her family played an important role in changing my decision and I'm glad I found out before things gone too far.

Darren smiles. "I knew you'd eventually come to your senses."

"Told you it was a bad idea from the begining, so tear the shit up and remember that this was your plan and you aren't the only one onboard, you need to tell Landon and Freddie."
"I will."

Freddie I can handle but Landon, he won't be easily persuaded. He is really looking forward to hurt her. He wants to settle the score, even if he agrees to canceling the contract, he'll look for another way to hurt.  

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