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"Damnit Meredith, why do you always accuse me of these things!" Max yelled, slamming his fist on the table. Max never yelled, but for the last three weeks they had been getting into fights. Meredith would constantly accuse Max of cheating on her.

Although this time, was the only time she had been right, just not with who she thinks it was.

"You don't touch me anymore, you look at me as if I'm a god damned burden! God forbid I think there's another women!" She yelled, waving her arms up in the air with anger. He could see the steam running out of her ears. Her red lipstick smudged from when she tried to kiss benjis cheek and he said not right now, which had prompted the fight.

" I'm not sleeping with another woman! God, fuck. You know what? Bye!." Max  slammed the door behind him, getting into his car, with Meredith screaming  after him.

His mind may have been cloudy, but he knew exactly where he was going, no doubt about it.

He pulled up to a house with red shutters. The door was white with glass . He knocked on it, hard. A boy opened the door.

"Max-?" Theo said. Max cut him off and pushed him inside his house, slamming Theo's door shut and pushing him against it.

Their lips were fastened together, and Theo was taken back by this sudden visit. He didn't mind, though. Of course.
It wasn't sweet, caring, or gentle. No, this kiss was filled with pure rage. Theo knew that.

Their tongues were connected, gliding over each other, and their teeth were clashing. Max pulled back, his eyes dilated and the darkness of the room made Theo feel some type of way.

They were both panting. Lips slightly agape, and tinged red. Max's hands lied on either side of Theo, as they stared into each-other's eyes, almost as if the moment had disappeared.

Theo broke the silence and kissed up benjis neck, exactly the same place he had before. He began Sucking, and licking over it, then biting down on the spot. Doing this over and over, whatever he could to make the taller boy emit emotion.

Max groaned, taking his hand to push Theo's  lips down harder onto his neck, just like last time. Max had developed a sweet spot. Max knew there was going to be marks, and he didn't know how exactly he'd explain them to Meredith. Maybe he'd say he went to the club, and a stripper did this to him. Maybe. He wasn't sure she'd buy that, though.

Theo began walking towards the couch, pushing Max down onto it. Once max landed on the blue-grey couch, Theo straddled his hips. He looked down at max beneath them, he had his lip caught between his teeth, looking Theo up and down. Giving him hungry eyes, that Theo craves. The blond haired boy gave him a look, a question hidden deep beneath it, but not deep enough for max to not understand.

Max nodded. "I want it." He said.  And With that, those words of consent, Theo rolled his hips down onto the other man's. Max's hand's instantly flew to Theo's hip, guiding him up and down. Theo began to grind harder, drawing moans out from Max's bitten lips. Soon, that was all the room was filled with.

"Mmm, baby," Max  moaned, taking his hand and putting one in Theo's hair, pulling it all while he blushed. Max had just called him baby. He didn't know if it meant anything, so he hid the butterflies deep down in his chest. A week ago, Theo was just some unknown French bartender, that's probably still how max sees it.

Max put his hands on Theo's stomach, signaling for him to stop.

"Take your shirt off ,baby." he said. Theo nodded and slipped the cotton shirt from over his head, the name still impacting him and his insides, and then dropping the shirt to the floor.

He felt bare, and alone. Flustered, even. He looked at max.
"You too," he said. Max nodded, and  unbuttoned his shirt and shook his arms, releasing the sleeves from his body, letting it fall to the floor.

Max quickly attached his lips to his neck, theo groaned, and dropped his mouth open.
"God." Theo whined, threading his fingers through the blonds' hair.

Max began to bite down on his neck, leaving marks without any hesitation. He figured it might be safe to do so on him, as he had no spouse.
Max Then stopped, unbuckling his trousers.

Theo dropped his pants to the ground ad well, and as soon as Max's pants were down, Theo stared at the bulge behind Max's boxers.

He began to kneel down before max, grabbing the waistband of the boxers between his teeth, and then slowly tugging them down his waist. Max just watched with excitement, his dick pulsing, begging for attention.

Theo brought the tip to his tongue, and started placing slow, kitten-like licks onto it.

Max threw his head back, and grabbed hold of the blond hair beneath him.

"Fuck, I forgot you were so good at this," he moaned, with his eyes screwed shut. He liked the fact theo was the only one to do this to him ever. It felt nice.

Theo took him the rest of the way down his throat and began to suck. Max found his hand tangled in The waves of Theo's hair, shoving him down more.

He forcefully took his mouth off of his dick and pushed him onto his back. They hadn't been with each other in a few weeks and honestly, Max was trying to forget about what happened. But alas he couldn't get their encounter out of his head.

He sucked on his own finger and then slipped it into Theo.
"Mmm," theo said, opening his legs more.
Max soon had three fingers inside of Jorge.

"Oh max please do more I need more I can't handle it," Theobwas practically yelling. He slipped his fingers out and slowly slid his dick in.

They both rolled their eyes to the back of their head.
",you have to be quiet I don't want to wake anybody up-" max starts, referring to his neighbors but gets cut off by Theo's loud moan.

"OH FUck~ hu ma-x," Theo moaned, but Mac quickly wrapped his hands around his throat.

"I told you to be quiet,"Max whispered into the others ear. Sending shivers down his back and legs.
He thrusted in and out faster then he was going, holding onto his neck, making Theo shake.

Theo didn't know why but he adored the feeling of max's hand wrapped around his throat. Maybe he was weird, but it made him feel hazy, and it made everything feel ten times better.

He wrapped his legs around Max's back.
"Oh god ," Max moaned, thrusting harder. This made Theo dig his nails into max's back. He's scratched down slowly.

"Mmmm," Max let out a soft whine, obviously enjoying the sting of nails in his back.

"I- uuu-!" Theo tried to speak, but Max's hands were still against his throat.

Max reached down and wrapped his hand around Theo's dick, stroking it fast.

"Ohh!" Theo groaned, placing his hand on top of Max's , pressing it harder into his throat.

They didn't care how loud they were anymore. They didn't care if someone saw max walk into his house and heard these moans. They didn't care if his wife found out. No, all they cared about was the opposing boy. White noise filled their ears and they both released.

Max pulled out, laying on top of theo , wrapping his arms around him.

"Can you stay here, please?" Theo asked, his eyes closed .

"I can't go home smelling like this or with these hickies on my neck," Max smiled, cuddling into Theo more.

They didn't care much about what would happen when or if Max's wife saw. All they really cared about wac each other. And they were sure that would never change.

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