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"Oh my god I'm so excited! Aren't you excited!" Jorge said, speedily packing.

I laughed.
"Yes baby, I am." I said, kissing him on the forehead.

He laughed and grabbed his suit case, as I went to get mine. But I caught a glimpse out the window.

"Shit! Theo !Our taxi is here!" I said, and ran down the stairs. I heard his feet stomping down as well, and we threw our cases in the trunk and got in the bright yellow car.

He took a breath out, and lied his head on my shoulder.

I saw the taxi driver look at me though the mirror.

"To the airport , please," I said, and he nodded, putting the car into drive and starting down the road.

The plane was pretty nice, though I guess things advanced from the last time me and Theo went on a plane.

I managed to snag the window seat, since he always begs for it, but ends up terrified of the sight below him.

He was already fast asleep on my shoulder, but I was just so jittery and nervous.

What if my kids hate me?
What it they hate Theo ?
What if I get too nervous and fuck everything up,

But just as if he heard my thoughts aloud, his hand reached over mine, and squeezed firmly, silently telling me everything was going to be alright.

And so i closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let all of the stress and anxiety go.

I began to drift off to sleep, to the sound of people quietly chattering, and the sound of drinks being softly sipped.


I woke up and we still had one remaining hour of our seven hour long trip.

I looked over to see jorge enjoying himself a bag of airplane peanuts

He looked over to me, and smiled a mouth full at me.

"Ew, you nasty,"
I said, look away from him, in semi-fake disgust.

He just laughed, But I was too entranced in thinking of my kids.

I wonder how Wendy is.
If she's got a boyfriend, or girlfriend

What she's into nowadays, and If she's liked any of the presents I've bought her

And if she's stuck with her childhood dreams of becoming a baker

Now tommy

He's a different story
As a kid he'd change his imaginary profession every few days

From a fire fighter, to police

From a writer, to and adventurer

I just hope he's as open to things now, but that he found something he truly loves

But if he hasn't, of course that's perfectly okay

I wonder if he's found love yet
And if he's needed a father figure
Or if he's been quite alright

I wonder if either of them have missed me at all

I guess my thoughts wondered off for longer then I had thought, as we were currently landing.

Me and Theo got our bags form the over head compartment and headed down the steps of the plane.

I was nervous to say the least, as I had researched at the library that where meradith lives is only a mere fifteen minutes from the airport.

1970's • boyxboy Where stories live. Discover now