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I waited until Theo fell asleep . I didn't want to leave but I knew I had kids to tuck in. Yeah it's 1 am, but they refuse to go to sleep without it.

I quietly opened the door, hoping for it to not squeak. I took my shoes off before I entered the house so I didn't make noise. I carefully placed them on the welcome mat inside, and walked to the kitchen.

It was dark, I opened the fridge to find what dinner was, disappointed to see nothing but jugs of water, and soda pop.

"Where have you been?" Meredith asked from be hind me, startling me slightly. I turned around to meet her gaze I knew was burning threw my soul.
Every time I'm with him I feel so guilty, but I feel so addicted, attached.

I breath in. I can do this. I can lie. A simple lie.
"I wasn't with a girl, I was actually out getting us a marriage counselor," I lied. I knew it was a stretch but maybe Theo could help us through this.

She breathed out. Her makeup was clearly running down her face before. She came towards me.

"I'm so sorry maximus , I really am," she hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but let some tears roll out. I hugged her back. God why do I have to lie.

We sat there for awhile. Sure, I didn't know what to think or what to feel. But All I know is that this is my family.

And maybe I shouldn't mess it up

I pulled away.

"I'm going upstairs to tuck Wendy and tommy in," I said. She nodded and got herself a glass of water.

I walked up the stairs. I heard the little voices chattering. I lightly pressed the door open.

"Daddy!" Wendy said, turning over to shake her brother awake.

I smiled softly, her brown hair was in a messy tornado , Tommy's was too, but his matched a wheat Field.

"Hey, why aren't you guys asleep?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"We were waiting for you daddy," tommy said, rubbing his eyes with his chubby fingers.

"Well I'm here, now let's get you burritos tucked in," I said.

I got Wendy and layed her straight, tucking the blanket in at her sides. I then kissed her forehead.

I walked over and did the same to tommy.

"Goodnight, I love you both, so much," I said, walking out of their room. I shut their door and walked to my own room.

Meredith walked in shortly after.

She gave me quiet eyes. Bags were under her eyes and they were stained black from her makeup.

"Did you not want to eat anything?" She said, her limbs frail.

"No, it's alright. Much too late for that," I said. She nodded.

"I'm sorry," I said.

She turned her head to me.

I kissed her cheek. She weakly smiled.

"I love you," I said. Her eyes got sad again.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know," and with that she drifted to sleep.


I woke up and immediately got ready.

I have to ask theo .

I got in my truck and pulled up to his house.

I knocked on the door. He opened it , smiling. His hair was falling into his eyes. God he's so gorgeous. No. Stop. You're trying to fix things remember.

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