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"Max, I'm alright," she said. I sighed in relief.

"Thank god," I said. Theo looked at me, I gave him a thumbs up and smiled. He smiled back.

"But we aren't staying here, we're moving. Somewhere safer. " Meredith said.

"Well where to?" I asked. I heard her sigh.

"I don't want to tell you. I meant it when I said I didn't want to see you anymore for a while. It hurts every time I hear your voice." She said.

"But Meredith, if you don't tell me I'll never be able to find you again," I said, my voice starting to get shaky.

I saw Theo look over to me with concern. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"That's not my concern for right now. And please don't call me anymore. I'm glad you cared enough to ask me if I was safe, and I am. But now I need you to stop," she said.

"Please tell me I'll be able to see my kids again," I said. I didn't get a response. Then I heard the phone end.

"What happened?" Theo asked, rubbing circles into my shoulder.

That's when I realized what i was doing. I moved for him, and he moved for me, and I never even asked how he felt about it. I'm not just going to treat him like a side character. I love him.

" I'll tell you later. Let's get to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow, and you know how long you take to get ready," I said, chuckling lightly.

He slightly hit my arm.
"What? Do you think curls like this just come easy!" He said, shaking his head causing his curls to bounce.

"You're ridiculous," I said, ruffling his hair with my hand.

"Perhaps, but you love it," he said. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Go get ready for bed dummy," I said. He walked into the bathroom and started getting ready, while I lied on the bed and fell asleep too soon.

"Wake up Theo ," I said, shaking the sleeping boy beside me.

He scrunched his face up, and opens his eyes.
"Good morning, now to get ready so we can leave," I said. He mumbled a response and walked to the our bathroom, running into the door in the process.

I laughed lightly as he shook it off, and walked into the bathroom.

Our things were coming in the moving van to our house we bought, I just have to sign some papers from the guy who's selling it to me, and then we can start unpacking.

If I'm being honest I think we are moving really fast. Not me and Theo , but the whole house thing. I missed his blue little house , and his potted plants everywhere. But at least I have him with me.

"M' ready," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"Okay baby, lets go," I said, and then opened up the door for us, excited to see the new one.

- original written date , November 5th, 2019

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