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We arrived at the house. It had yellow side panelling, and white shutters, and a beautiful garden up front. It was a two story, and I think it's safe to say it would definitely fit us both.

Theo came out of the car, sleep instantly running away from his mind.

His mouth was wide open.

"What do you think baby?" I asked, wrapping one arm around his waist, pulling him a little closer to me.

"I- it's- it's," he stuttered, trying to find the right words.

"It's glorious," he said, and then brought me in for a kiss.

He looked into my eyes, and then suddenly bolted for the front door.

"Theo ! Wait!" I yelled, running after him.

"Nope! Loser!" He said, and then ran into the house.

I ran in after him, seeing his horrible attempt at hiding behind one of the walls. I sneakily walked up to him, and then began to tickle him mercifully.

"Ah- ahah- benji- MAX! STOP!" He said, and I tackled him to the ground, and was tickling his side.

This place already felt like home.

I pulled him up to his feet and lifted him up, spinning him around in circles.

"Let's get to unpacking," I said, with a kiss to his cheek and ran out to the moving vans that were at the front.

I let him do mainly all of the decorating, because I'm horrible with interior design, but he, he seems to have a knick for it .

Once everything was set in place, I walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

"You know you have to start looking for a job soon," I said. Which was true, he did. My job is just being a writer for important events, so I got to keep it.

But he was just a bar tender, not that it wasn't a good job, but he still needs to find one.

"I know, I saw a counseling place down the street, maybe I could put in my resume there?" He said. I nodded and pulled him closer to me.

I was sad about having to go back to doing work, and him having to not be able to spend as much time with me, but hey, now we have every second together now that we are home.


I woke up early, and got dressed do I could head down the street to the counseling place I saw.

I walked into the building, and walked to the front desk.

"Hey, I'm Theo Dublin , I worked as a marriage counselor in Barcelona Spain. I have a resume here, and I was just wondering if you could check it out for me," I said, to the man behind the desk.

"Sure, I'll take a look and you can sit down," he said. I handed him my resume and sat down in the waiting room.

I kind of missed being a counselor, it was fun, plus it was like one big secret and I wasn't allowed to tell anybody. It was nice.

The man looked at me after about 20 minutes and told me to come up.

"Hey, so I think you'd fit in nicely, I'll call you Tomorrow and we can set up an interview," he said. I nodded and shook his hand, and then left.


I hated that Theo had to get a job and I was left home all alone.

I don't know, it's not that I don't trust him, it's not like he'd cheat.

I mean he did tell me that he would fuck the married men he'd see.

And then I started to get angry.
Picturing Theo my Theo getting all down and dirty with some man.

And then I heard the door open. But it didn't stop the anger. 

"Hey baby," theo said, waking in with a smile on his face.

"Hi," I replied dryly. His face dropped.

"What? What did I do?" He asked.

"I don't know, were you out fucking married men?" I asked, a bitter tone to my voice.

He looked baffled.
"Max what-" he started, but I cut him off

"I remember what you told me, about the men you would 'help' with their sexual needs with their wife. Who says you won't do it again?" I said , feeling the anger from my words.

He shook his head.
"Max that was when I was single, I wouldn't do that to you,"

I laughed .

He threw his hands up in exaggeration.
"Max! I literally stayed with you through all the trouble, with meradith, with your kids, with the shootings and the move for gods sake! I'm not just going to throw that away! I love you," he said, his face starting to get red now.

And then I realized how I sounded, and what I had done.

You just accused Theo of cheating on you, you pathetic prick.

The anger suddenly dissolved, and I looked at him. I looked at my max.

"I love you too, I'm sorry, I guess because I technically cheated on Meredith I feel like I'm going to get cheated on," I said, deep from within me, that I didn't even know I felt that way.

But I guess it's true.
I do feel like I'm going to get karma.
Maybe I deserve it.

He shook his head and came over to me, embracing me.
"Max, I'm not going to do that. Okay? And you wont do it either right?" He said, kissing the top of my head.

I nodded, looking at my gorgeous boy.
"Right," I said, and gave him a kiss on the lips.

It was silent. I felt like I had made the room cold.

"I love you, I do. I really really do," I said, bribing him into a tight hug.

Theo hugged me back, and we just stood there. Arms wrapped around each other.

And though maybe some might say it's not right

Or that it's disgusting

Or that it just won't work

I'm a man

And I just so happen to love this man

With all my heart

Original written date - December 5th

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