Chapter 5: Guess it's Movie Night

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Gelatin's P.O.V.

He said yeah


I'll see you tomorrow then!

See you

Four is offline

 I logged off, and, just before putting my phone down, I checked the time. "It's 9:00" I said to myself. I rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of my pajama shirt and layed down. Mom makes us go to bed early when we don't work in the restaurant, so I had to go to sleep now. But just before curling up and passing out I remembered something. I grabbed my phone again and messaged someone. I put my phone back down and rolled over, tired, and fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by SLEEP you need it, probably right now. thats right im calling you out, go to sleep

I woke up to a "bzzt- bzzt" by my ear. I sat up and stretched, picking up my phone and shutting off the alarm. I got up, grabbing a hair tie from my nightstand and tried pulling back what I could of my hair, breaking the hair tie. Maybe if I brushed my hair it wouldn't break the hairband, I thought, shrugging. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed an outfit. I walked over to my door and locked it while I changed. 

About a minute after I finished changing my phone went off. I was at the foot of my bed, doodling on the piece of paper I kept on a shelf with my tiny drawings on it when it went off, so I got up, put the paper down and walked to my nightstand. I opened my phone and checked my notifications. "New Message From: Naily" I opened it.

Naily is online

hey so wen r we metin up 2day

Gelatin is online


I think we agreed on 10


I checked the time, 9:30 am. I had time to go downstairs and eat something before heading to the park to meet my friends before we headed to the theater. "Oh! I should tell Four when to be there, haha, silly me." I took out my phone and messaged Four, quickly telling him when and where to meet us. I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket, walking downstairs. I saw my mom in the kitchen and waved, walking past her and grabbing a piece of bread from the pantry. "Not gonna eat anything else before you leave, honey?" She asked me. I shook my head, "I'm fine with this, love you Mom." She smiled at me as I walked to and out the door, "Bye Gelatin."

I started walking down the street to the nearby park, hands in the pockets of my pants. I hummed a song that was stuck in my head. I decided to check my phone while walking, it wouldn't be for long, the park was only about 15 minutes away. Nothing cool, nothing new, so I put it away and started skipping while humming. I smiled at how silly I must look, after all, I'm 14 now, in high school. I laughed and slowed down after seeing the park.

I passed the sign and walked into the grass, heading to the tree we usually met at. I skipped over to Barf Bag, who was the only one there at that moment. She looked up when she heard the rustling of grass and smiled softly, I stopped in front of her, she patted my head, "Hey Jelly." I smiled back, "Hi!" I noticed she was on her phone so I went around to her side and looked over her shoulder, standing on my tip-toes, since I'm pretty short compared to most of my friends. She was texting someone but I couldn't read what they were saying.

"Who're you talking to?" I asked, grabbing her sleeve. Her face turned red and she shut off her phone. "No one," She smiled, "lets just wait for Naily and... Who else was coming?"  I sat down in the grass, so did she, "I invited Firey and another friend!" Barf bag stared at me for a moment, "are you going to tell us who this friend is?" I shook my head "nnnNope!" I laughed and Barf Bag shook her head. "What's so funny?" I hear a voice say from behind us, as I'm about to turn around I hear an 'oOF' sound. I moved onto my knees and turned around.

A few feet away was Naily, who I guess was skipping over here and tripped. I was about to get up and help my poor armless friendo but Barf Bag was already over there, picking her up and putting her back on her feet. "Thanks!" She smiled brightly at Barf Bag, who nodded in return and they walked back over to the tree. They sat beside me, "So as I was saying," Naily started, "Whats so funny over here?" "Gelatin thinks its funny to not tell us who he invited," Barf Bag said for me, she leaned back on the tree and I just shrugged and laughed. 

"Aww you're not gonna tell usss?" Naily said, extending the 's' in us. I shook my head and did the 'zip your mouth closed and flick away the key' gesture. She poked me with her foot, since she doesn't have hands, "whyyyy noottt?" She whined, jokingly. I pushed her foot away, "It's a surprise." Suddenly the air beside me got hotter, "Oh, hey Firey," Barf Bag said as I turned my head over to him. "Hey," He said, leaning back, "What're you guys talking about?" "Oh nothing," I said. He smiled, and ruffled my hand, "Then what're we waiting for," He got up, "Lets go."

We all got up and started walking down the street. The movie theater was about 10 minutes away. I started thinking a bit, and sped a bit up. Have they been treating me more like a child? Or am I just noticing how they're acting cuz I'm 14 now? I shook my head a bit and just as I fell back into reality, I heard Barf Bag say "Gelatin, watch out-"

I stumbled and fell over, someone tripped into me from the side. I was alone on the curb so I guess they caught themselves. Naily and Firey ran over to me to help me, and I heard Barf Bag scolding the person in he background, telling them to watch where they're going, blah blah blah. I pulled myself out of the gutter and rubbed my head, Firey helped me up and I rubbed my head, "Ow."

I opened my eyes, staring at the ground. After Barf Bag was done ranting at the person I heard a familiar voice say very timidly, "S-sorry, I didn't me..." They got quieter at the end but you could just make out the end, "an to." I looked up to see Naily in my face, "Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah, Yeah! Perfectly okay," I smiled and looked over her shoulder and saw the person about to back walk up their driveway to the house til they saw me. 

I perked up and shook my head, "Four!" I said with a smile, I was about to go over and hug him, but Firey grabbed my wrist. I turned around and lowered my voice to a whisper, "What?" He just shook his head. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away, going over and hugging Four. "H-hey.. Gelatin," He said, with sort of hesitance, hugging me back. He let go and stepped back. He seemed really nervous. He looked over my shoulder, then back at my friends, "I don't think your friends really want me to go," he muttered.

"Him?" I heard behind me, I turned, and all three of them were staring at me. "What?" "He's who you invited?" Firey asked. "Y...yeah? Whats the big deal?" They looked at each other, Barf Bag looked the least bothered, bothered, but less. She shook her head, smiled lightly. "Well come on then you guys, We're going to miss the movie at this rate." Naily looked kind of startled at that reaction but started walking anyway, "Okay lets go!"

I turned a bit, grabbed Four's hand and pulled him along with us. We all walked to the theater together and just before we went in Four looked at me and said, "Sorry... for y'know knocking you over." I smiled at him, "Ah it's fine, cmon, lets go see this garbage movie Firey picked out." "IT'S NOT GARBAGE," Firey yelled at me, crossing his arms and walking inside. I laughed and we all went in to this dumb movie.

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