Chapter 10: Great actor

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Still Gelatin's POV

I sat at the table with my friends, not talking with my hand over my mouth. Barf Bag took notice first, since Firey was mad and Naily was trying to draw. "Hey, Gelatin, you doing okay?" "Huh?" I looked up, "oh I-" Firey slammed his hands on the table, interrupting me, "HE KISSED HIM!" He said, loudly. A couple students from the tables just by us looked up but then minded their own business. Naily dropped the pen in her mouth and sat up, "Who what what?"

Barf Bag was startled, "Calm down." I pulled Firey back into his seat. "It's not a big deal, shut up." "NOT A- oh my god- GELATIN!" I flinched when he shouted my name, "we told you not to not to be FRIENDS with him! And you let him KISS you??" "Why are you freaking out? You already saw the picture, you know what's happening." 

"Picture?" Naily asked, "Ooh what's the tea, show me the picture!!" She stood up, smiling. Firey ignored her, "THAT WASN'T THE SAME!" Now I was kinda irritated, "okay? your point?" "Firey, take it down a notch," Barf Bag said. "And why should I?!" "Because you're going to make a scene." He sighed angrily and crossed his arms. "Now-" Barf bag looked at me, "-what's going on?" 

I mumbled my response, "I can't hear you, Gel, please speak up." I muttered a bit louder, still incomprehensible. "Spill the damn tea!" Naily bubbled. "I said I'm dating... Four..." Oh that was weird to say. Naily gasped and laughed, Firey gestured angrily, "HE ADMITTED IT!!" Barf Bag face palmed. "Ohhh myy godd..." 

Act- Act- Act- "What?? What's the big deal?" Firey grabbed my shoulders and was suddenly more serious than angry, "He. Is. A- bu- sive." (help idk what im doing and i wanna add a rumor) "Excuse me?" "Everybody knows." He pushed me away. "If its true than why has nothing been done huh?" "To be fair, he's kinda scary," Naily chimed. "It's because no one has proof but we know." 

"How do you know if you don't have proof." 

"We just do, everyone does." 

"That's stupid, what did X 'say something'?" 

"Yea." I looked at him, "I will believe it when I see it." "Please don't go about it like that," Barf Bag said, "We don't want you to get hurt." I leaned my face on my hand, act. "I'll go about my love life however I want." I mumbled the next part, "If I get hurt again it's my own damn fault." I huffed, and leaned my head against the table. 

(Time skip)

A week or two passed, and word travels fast, so the buzz of the double cheaters went away and the ringing of people talking about me and Four began traveling. As much as this was part of the plan I didn't like getting notes taped to my locker and people I did not know come up to me. But what can you do? Every plan and every idea has bumps in the road.

I simply laughed off comments on how I must like 'bad boys,' and suggestions that it was for attention. I mean, it was, just not theirs. 

Anyway I was walking around the school after the bell had rung, since Jell-o had a club to be at and Mom didn't drive much. There were a lot of students hanging around, talking and chilling, probably waiting for a ride or for a friend. Today was a kind of try a club and see if you like it day, so a lot of students were around. I heard an argument erupt from two students but I kept looking at my phone.

The voices made my ear perk up, I caught a few unimportant words of the conversation, not enough to know what's going on but just enough to elicit an eye roll. I kept scrolling through things, switching apps at random. Some students walked past briskly. 

I didn't care until a bunch of students started talking at once and swarming around the area. I sighed, a fight must have broken out, this was always everyone's reaction. I still didn't care. It was loud, but that was where I stopped noticing anything about it. 

That was until a student came up to me, "Hey, you're Gelatin, right?" I sighed, "Yeah, whats up?" I asked, putting my phone in my pocket. The kid pointed to the swarm of people, "You might want to check that out." "Oh no," I said. "Er, oh yeah..." he said.

I walked quickly over to the fight, honestly surprised it was allowed to go on remotely this long. I pushed through the crowd and got to the middle, to find a very unamused Four and a very persistent looking student I've never seen. I laughed at the kids angry face versus Four's bored one. Then I noticed how dull and mad his eyes looked and I was bothered. 

"Four!" I shouted, he looked at me, which caused the kid to try and hit him. He failed, Four caught his arm and twisted it behind his back. A crack sound came from this poor kid's shoulder and he fell to the ground, just barely holding himself together. The sound made everyone in the crowd flinch, including myself. 

Four glanced at the kid before sighing and walking towards me, the kids around me backed away. He looked normal as if he didn't just break a student's shoulder two seconds ago, "What's up?" The students in the crowd slowly dispersed, with only a few lingering through our conversation. "I uh," the kids was crying in the background with his friends helping him, "what happened over here?" 

Four looked down at me and shrugged, "best if you don't know." "okay then..." He started talking to me as normal, but I was uncomfortable with the few people staring at us. "Uh... hey, Four?" "Hm? Yeah?" "My brother is in a club right now, til, like 4:30, we should... uh, go to the cafe or... something?" I glanced around. "Sure," he said, smiling.

(just barely made it to 1011 words, thank god, my eyes are so tired, and even though I still wwanna write I orobably shouldnt, if something didn't make sense please let me know. I have a lot of ideas i have for this i want to get in so..... things will be happenin" 

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