Chapter 1

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Nova quickly scrambled into her den, her thoughts racing. She paced around frantically. "What do I do?" She panicked. "I don't want to do this! I don't need it!" Nova stopped, she sat, and started thinking of solutions. "I shouldn't have to do this." She thought. "Why do I have this feeling I should go? I shouldn't go!" Nova glanced around the room. "I have no choice." She finally decided. She needed to go. She looked outside, the sun started to set. "I need to go early to be on time." She walked over to her nest, she curled up and slowly closed her eyes. After what felt like hours, she fell asleep.

Nova looked around her den, she frowned. She turned around and padded outside her den. She turned back to lock eyes with the exterior of her home, then ran for the center of the forest.

The gray and white she-cat stopped, she saw it. The center of the forest, a small open field with no trees. There was a small hill that had a few dens on the flattened top. A few cats have gathered at the base of the hill already. She stepped into the orange sunlight. She padded further out into the light that seemed to be glistening off the dew on the grass. Nova saw the russet tom that had threatened her the other day. She walked up to the congregating cats. The russet tom and the black cat that looked interested in her turned around. Nova froze.

"Oh! You came." The russet tom said. His menacing grin reappearing.

"I did only because you threatened to kill me." Nova snarled at him.

"Watch your tone, princess." The black cat smiled at her. Nova looked at him and gave him an annoyed glare.

"Why did you threaten me anyways?" Nova meowed at the russet tom.

"Pitbull said so, she just wanted cats to come." He said.

"Who is this 'Pitbull'?" Nova growled.

"She's our leader." The black tom said.

"What even is a pitbull? And who named her that?" Nova mewed.

"A pitbull is a type of dog. She gave herself that nickname." The russet tom said.

"I'd like to see this so called Pitbull." Nova spat.

"Can't, she's sleeping right now." The black tom mewed. "You can see her when every cat we threatened to kill is here."

"Where do I wait?" Nova meowed.

"Just sit somewhere and wait, we'll tell you when she's awake. Then you go over to the dirt patch over there." The russet tom motioned his tail to the east.

Nova walked over to the gap in the grass, she sat in the dirt, waiting. She noticed the black cat still staring at her, checking her out. His smile seemed unnerving. "I don't like him." She immediately assumed in her head. Slowly, new cats she had never seen before walked into the field. She thought negatively of them. One cat came up to her, it was a small red tabby she. Nova looked at the cat for a moment before the tabby started speaking.

"Hi!" She meowed happily.

"Hi.." Nova meowed back.

"I'm Tina! What's your name?" Tina asked.

"I'm.. Nova.." Nova answered nervously. Tina smiled, then she walked off.

"Okay..." Nova thought. "What an awkward conversation. I'll probably see her again, if she just came up to me like that." She kept noticing the black cat looking directly at her, all the time. Nova looked him straight in the eye. The black tom walked over to her. "Oh no." She thought.

"Heyyyyy." The black tom meowed at her.

"What?" She snarled at him. The tom just smiled.

"Nothing, I just think your pretty." The tom meowed. "I'm Tykon, what's your name my little grape?"

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