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     Nova woke up, the light filtering through the shattered cracks of the leaves. She yawned, getting up and stretching. Nova then stepped out of the den, the bright yellow-orange sun beating down on her grey pelt. The birds sang up in the trees, out of sight. Nova looked around, her green eyes dull and half opened. "I should get something to eat, I guess." She thought, padding off into the forest. 

      Nova had been searching for hours, but couldn't find anything. She finally placed her eyes on a cream colored mouse, it had a brown fur mask around its face, mimicking a Siamese cat. "Strange color for a mouse." She thought to herself, but nevertheless, she crouched down and slowly crept towards it. Nova locked her eyes on the mouse, her eyes filled with ambition. The mouse continued to nibble on the seed it had in its paws. Nova paused, the mouse froze. "No no no! Don't run away!" She panicked in her thoughts. She sprang out to catch the mouse, she sank her claws into the mouse's chest, biting its throat. "Yes! Finally!" She meowed in excitement as the limp mouse rested over her paws. She quickly dug into the mouse's flesh, enjoying every bite. 

     "Psst! Hey, you!" A voice whispered.

     Nova practically sprang to her paws and quickly turned around to face a short, round russet tom. She unsheathed her claws, ready to claw his eyes out.

     "Yeah you! Do you want to know how to fight properly?" The tom meowed.

     "I already know how to fight." Nova snarled at the tom, her teeth gritted.

     "I mean properly, idiot." The russet tom rolled his eyes. "It's super helpful for the future." He had a menacing smile on his face. 

     "I'm fine. I don't meet any weird cats like you anyways." Nova meowed.

     "Doesn't matter, we'll kill you if you don't come." He threatened.

     "Yeah right!" Nova rolled her eyes. "I'm not falling for that."

     The tom grinned, tapping the ground, multiple cats came out from the bushes, their claws unsheathed. One seemed particularly interested in Nova, his yellow eyes scanning her.

     "Uh, fine. I'll come." She glanced at the cats with a nervous expression. "Where and when?"

     "Tomorrow, in the center of the forest, around sunrise." The russet tom said. "You'll be staying there for a week."

     "A week?" Nova squeaked. "Why that long?"

     "Don't worry, you'll be fine." The tom said, walking off into the bushes.

     Nova sat, comprehending what just happened. She walked off into the forest, returning to her den. Getting prepared for the week that will be the most action-packed rest of her life.

I'm sorry that it's short if you like the story so far

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