Chapter 3

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warning there is abduction involved in this chapter if you don't wanna read this then don't

some swear words too

Tykon slowly padded over to the hole in the clay den once again, his footsteps almost silent. He looked through the hole to find that Nova wasn't there. "Where is she?" He thought. Tykon walked over to the entrance, he looked in to find Nova curled up next to Pitbull. Both of the shes were still asleep. Tykon stared down at them in anger, his claws unsheathing. He grabbed Nova by the scruff, lifting her up and dragging her away. "If you don't want to be mine, I'll make you mine." Tykon thought.

"Huh.." Nova thought as looked at the ground, the grass rustling as her hind legs scraped against the ground. "Oh holy shit! What's going on?" Nova panicked in her thoughts. Nova looked over to her left to see Tykon's black pelt. "What the hell?" Nova meowed. Tykon dropped her, and felt something hit the back of her head. Everything went black.

Nova had woken up, she saw the silhouette of Tykon's fluffy body. She tried to get up, but she was chained to the ground. "What's going on?" She snarled. Tykon turned around, he smiled.

"Oh, you're awake. Since you don't love me, I'm going to keep you here until you do." Tykon mewed, his eyes bright, but Nova couldn't tell what his emotion was.

"Once Pitbull finds me, she will banish you." Nova growled at him.

"She'll never find us, not in here." Tykon walked up to Nova, a smirk on his face. Nova looked up at him with her eyes, but didn't raise her head. She snarled at him, throwing herself forward, she fell over due to the chains around her wrists. Her tail lashing, she sat back down.

"You won't get away with this." Nova let out a deep growl.

"I will. Rest now, be ready for tomorrow." Tykon mewed, walking over to another section in the cave. Nova struggled to break out of the chains, they were secured tightly. After ten minutes of jiggling the chains around, hoping the chain would just slip out of her paws, she gave up on trying to escape.

"I'll just have to wait." Nova thought, laying down. She curled up, she started thinking for a moment, before falling into a deep sleep.

Pitbull opened her eyes, it was cold in her den, she did not feel the warmth of Nova. She looked over to her left, Nova was gone, she looked to her right, Nova wasn't there. Pitbull sprang up, she sniffed wildly, hoping to catch a scent. The sun has not risen yet, but the sky was a bit brighter, the morning fog was just settling in. She finally found a scent trail, it was of Nova and Tykon. Nova's scent smelled like fear and confusion, Tykon's smelled... odd. Pitbull couldn't describe what emotion Tykon was feeling at the time. Pitbull knew Nova didn't walk off with him, her scent trail didn't look like individual paw steps. "Wait a minute... d-did Tykon kidnap her?" Pitbull thought. She ran over to the assistant's den, the large den divided into ten sections, Tykon was missing. "Hey! Get up, Nova and Tykon are missing." Pitbull yelled, the cats jolting awake. "Wake up the rest of the cats and tell them they have a day off. We're going to make the training two weeks now because of this delay, tell them that too."

The sun has started to rise, the training cats seemed confused as why they had a day off, despite being told why.

"Okay, before the scents fade away, let's go." Pitbull and her assistants followed the scent trail into the forest, every step of the way, the scent got stronger. At this point, Nova's scent was emotionless.

The sun started to set, and the cats have finally found the source of the scent. It led to a large cave, the stone digging into the side of a cliff, the entrance blocked by a large boulder.

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