Chapter 4

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Nova stood up, the guards were no longer there. The red sunset was still slowly setting above the horizon, it was straight out in front of her. She was about to tell Pitbull how she felt, and it seemed like a cliche to confess at sunset, when all the reds and oranges stood out in the sky like apples on a tree, and the sunset a bright pink, casting beautiful shadows along the dens. Nova walked out of the den, padding up to Pitbull.

"I need to tell you something.." Nova meowed, she felt her face flush into a bright red as soon as she said that. Pitbull tilted her head, sitting in front of the sunset, her crystal blue eyes lit with curiosity. Nova gulped down anxiety.

"Go on." Pitbull mewed.

"I-.. I.." Nova choked. Pitbull nodded her head. Nova continued, "I love you, as a mate.." Nova finally spat out. Pitbull looked surprised, Nova looked away, thinking that Pitbull wouldn't ever talk to her again, then Pitbull's expression faded into happiness.

"I love you too." Pitbull smiled. Nova looked up at her, she smiled. Nova buried her muzzle into Pitbull's fluffy neck. Pitbull lay her head on the top of Nova's neck.

"I was the one that left you the rose." Nova said out of the blue.

"Oh. I dont give a shit lmao" Pitbull meowed. "You can call me Luna if you'd like."

"Is Luna your real name?" Nova asked.

"Yeah." She answered.

Nova nodded. Both of the shes pulled away from each other. Nova then frowned.

"I might be expecting kits too, they must be Tykon's..." Nova looked down at her belly, frowning.

"That's okay.." Luna comforted her. "It's not your fault. It's technically my fault for letting him be my assistant."

"It's not your fault either, it's Tykon's for coming here." Nova mewed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Luna snorted out of amusement. The moon had started to rise eerily over the horizon, the moonlight creeping through the tall grass. The two shes padded over to their den, their tails tweening. Nova lay in the nest on the right side of the den. The hole in the left side had been patched. Luna lay next to Nova and Luna rested her head on Nova's neck. The shes' tails tweening, they both fell asleep.

short ass chapter I'm running out of ideas and I wanna make a new story, but I'll keep working on this one

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