Chapter 2

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     some swearing only like two swear words tho

     Nova and Pitbull walked into a den, it had two divided sections. Pitbull padded to the right side of the den, and Nova walked to the left side. Nova curled up, tired. She heard Pitbull yawn, the leaves of her nest rustling. Nova thought of Pitbull, before falling asleep. 

     Nova opened her eyes, the sun's rays blasting through the vines. Pitbull had not woken up yet, her tail still covering her eyes. Nova had noticed a small hole on the left side of her den, but she thought nothing of it. She got up, she stretched. Nova then walked out, some of the cats had woken up already, including Tykon. Tykon walked over to her immediately after Nova came out of the den. Tykon tried to talk to her.

     "Good morning prince--" Tykon was cut off by Nova walking away. "Hey! Come here!" He called after her. 

     But Nova ignored him, and she walked off. Nova noticed a rose bush, she walked over to it. The red roses still sparkling in the sun, Nova tried to pick one off without getting thorns stuck to her paws and legs. "Ow!" Nova whispered to herself as a thorn hooked into her arm. After Nova had finally picked one off, she went over to Pitbull's den. Nova dropped off the rose in front of the den entrance, "Should I really do this?" She thought. "Eh, too late. I already put too much effort into this." Nova then walked off to the dirt patch to wait.

     Once Pitbull came out of the den, she immediately noticed the rose. She smiled and picked it up, then she padded over to the dirt patch where the other cats were waiting. 

     "Which one of you gave me this rose?" Pitbull began, Nova tried to look away to cover her blushing and her thorns. Pitbull looked over at Nova, and she walked over to her.

     "Where did you get those thorns?" Pitbull meowed to Nova.

     "I fell into a.. thornbush.." Nova muttered. Pitbull nodded. She started to question the other cats, getting more suspicious of each answer. 

     "Alright, since no one will tell me who gave me this rose. I'll find out on my own." She said. "We'll be eating today, eat anything you catch." 

     Nova had forgotten she was hungry, so she followed the rest of the group. Pitbull led them to an unknown part of the forest. 

     "Okay, you can only catch one thing, and eat that one thing." Pitbull meowed. "Don't come whimpering to me if you can't catch anything. No sharing either. Meet back at camp when you get something. Alright, go." She dismissed the cats, and they went into the forest. 

     Nova ran off, quickly and hurriedly. Nova scanned every corner of the spot she was in. She lifted her nose in the air, hoping to catch a scent. She searched the forest for any scents, but found nothing. Nova picked up on a rabbit scent, she followed it, hoping to find the source. Nova finally found the rabbit, she crouched down, she waited. Nova paused, focusing on the rabbit. Then she threw herself at it, claws outstretched. Nova caught it, doing a somersault before landing on her feet, the rabbit dangling in her jaws. She started walking back to camp, before hearing a voice over her shoulder.

     "Nice moves." Tykon meowed seductively.

     Nova quickly turned around, her claws unsheathed and her teeth baring. Once she saw it was Tykon, she snapped.

     "What the fuck do you want? Why do you keep following me? Just go AWAY!" Nova screamed at him, she had dropped the rabbit as soon as she started speaking. Tykon paused, then the biggest and creepiest smile on his face seemed to emerge.

     "I just want to see, you. I want to see you everywhere I go, don't leave, Nova." Tykon whispered, getting close to her face. Their noses were barely touching as Tykon lifted Nova's chin up with his paw. Nova pulled away, baring her teeth at him.
(tf was wrong with me lmao)
     "You aren't going to get she-cats by acting like that, creep." Nova snarled at him.

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