Chapter 5

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     Nova looked down at her kits, all four of them seemed to be healthy. She frowned, thinking Luna would be disappointed in her. Nova looked up at the russet tom that had helped her give birth. He looked rather happy, more excited.

     "What will you name them?" He said.

     "I'm not sure, do you think Pitbull will still love me?" Nova asked. The russet tom gave her a confused look.

     "Who is Pitbull?" The russet tom meowed.

     "The cream and brown she..?" Nova muttered.

     "Never heard of her, but Tykon will love the kits." He meowed. Nova looked at him, shocked as he walked out the den. The russet tom sat outside for a moment and muttered to a black tom. A few moments later, Tykon came in, looking happy. Nova's heart dropped.

     "Was the whole Luna thing just a dream? Does she not really exist? Am I actually straight?" Nova panicked in her mind, her pupils slits as she looked up at Tykon. Nova arched her back and let out a loud hiss. "Stay away from me and the kits!" Nova stepped between Tykon and Nova's offspring. "I want you to leave and never come back!" Nova snarled through gritted teeth. Tykon stepped back, a sad look on his face. Tykon said nothing and trudged out of the den, seeming as if he was going to cry. Nova sighed with relief, turning around to curl up with her kits. Three of the kits seemed to be black, one with small white markings. The fourth one was mostly white with black and grey splashes on his fur. Nova smiled, even though Luna doesn't exist. She would continue to look at her kits, they were the only thing she had left. Then she felt something press against her side.

     Nova woke up, seeing Luna nudging Nova's side with hers.

     "Do you think you can come train today?" Luna asked in a whisper.

     "Yeah, I-" Nova yawned, "I think I can come." Nova lay her head on her paws again.

     "Okay, just making sure. Just tell me if you need anything." Luna licked Nova's cheek. It was still night, the moon was about to set. The sun's rays have not filtered through the sky yet. The crickets chirped their nightly songs, jumping about the forest floor. Nova closed her eyes once again, falling asleep.

     Nova awakened, the sunrise leaking through the vines. Luna had already woken up, but she seemed to be staring at the wall, zoned out. Nova yawned, stretching. Luna looked over to Nova, she smiled.

     "Ready for training?" Luna asked. Nova nodded. Luna got up, and then Nova got up. They both padded out of the den, the other cats have already lined up. Nova got in the line. Luna started to explain what they would do today. The cats looked tired and were yawning a lot, sitting on the tree roots that were sprawled around the arena. Luna called a cat up to demonstrate the battle move, it was a little complex, but simple and very useful. The two cats started circling each other, Luna's expression seemed rather calm. "Watch my movement, it'll be easier to see when I'm about to pounce." Luna reminded her opponent, the cat she was going to battle nodded, scanning Luna's entire body. "Whenever you're ready." Luna nodded to the cat. The tom who was practicing the move slightly pulled himself back to jump at Luna, only for Luna to jump first, pouncing him and pinning him down. 

     "Ack!" The tom hissed.

     "You have to jump without thinking, no preparing to jump. It will be more unexpected and easier to take down your opponent." Luna looked down at the plump tom. The tom slipped out from under Luna, shaking himself off.

     "Try it again, maybe you can pin me down this time."  Luna meowed. The cats started circling again. The tom's claws unsheathed, he gave an angry look at Luna. He lunged at her unexpectedly, pinning Luna. Luna looked up at him and smiled, praising him for his quick learning. The tom got off and returned to his seat, looking proud. 

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