Ch.4, Help me Kuro!

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"No thanks," Ryusei interrupts the strange man and grabbed onto Koyuki and my arm, "let's get out of here now."

Before we could take a step or even move an inch, Ryusei was stopped by the man's hand gripping his shoulder, "Hey kid."

"Uh, why are you touching me," Ryusei asks as he was weirded out by the strange man.

"That's a good question," The man stood next to Ryusei and had a cheeky smile on his face, "Tell me audience, why did I stop this pestering little brat? Huh? Anyone?"

I gave out a weird look before the guy started talking again, but with a slightly high pitched voice, "Was it 1) Because he ignored me. 2) Because he cut in front of me. 3) Because I'm hungry. Or 4)... BECAUSE HE IGNORED ME!" Everything went silent for 5 seconds until he spoke again, "The answer is..."

My E/C eyes widen as the man literally latched himself onto Ryusei and blood spilled all over the streets ground. Everyone screamed while some ran away. "ALL OF THE ABOVE! THIS IDIOTS DEAD! AND I'LL KILL ANYONE ELSE WHO IGNORES ME!" He drops the body of Ryusei onto the ground as Koyuki and I rushed over.

The guy was now hanging off from the light post, swinging from it with his legs. We were crouching down by Ryusei's body, trying to stop the bleeding from his neck. "Somebody get a doctor! Anyone!" I yelled out, but everyone was still running and they even ignored our pleads.

Nobody bothers to help us when a high schooler is dying. I grunt at the thought about Ryusei dying and how it would've been my fault. My eyes glances over at the guy who was now standing on the ground with his long tongue out. He had his hand in his hat as he was searching for something, "You, the H/C girl. You picked up a cat and he didn't turn out to be any ordinary cat either."

I gulped and kept staring at him until he pulled out a long sword, "Where are you SLEEPY ASH-"

The guy was kicked into a store just crashing the glass window and Kuro panted as he got up from his "kicking" pose. "K-Kuro who the hell is that?!"

"Nobody I know, but more importantly," He transforms into his cat form, "Let's run!" That little scaredy cat how dare he just leaves me, "Kuro wait!" I latched myself onto his tail as he dragged me away from Koyuki into an alley.

I held a strong grip as Kuro was trying to get away from my grasp. "Let go of me!"

"Not until you tell me what the hell is happening and why you won't help me," I grunted while he transformed into his human self and stood up, leaving me to hold onto his coat tail. I let go of it and got up from the ground myself, staring at his red orbs with a serious look. 

"There's no way I can hold off on a crazy vampire like that one, we should go." I got up to his face and yelled out, "But YOU'RE also a crazy vampire too! Can't you do something to help!"

Kuro turns away from me, "I don't know who that guy is so I've got nothing to do with this." This guy is seriously not helpful at all! Those are my friends and he doesn't care!

"Hell no. He attacked my friends and I can't just up and leave, he'll attack and everyone will be in danger! Someone has to stop him." Both of my hands were in fists just by how angry I am. "What a pain..." He muttered and I kept staring at him, "I can't do anything, I don't have the power to change anythings. Someone should do something about this, someone, someone else. Everyone else always says stuff like that. Sounds like the right mindset to me."

Meanwhile as Kuro and I were in the alley, that magician vampire guy recovered from Kuro's kick and sure enough, he was pissed. "Where the hell did you go..." He muttered in a deep raspy voice, "Hm? Maybe you'll come back when I continue playing with the audience." He made his way over towards Koyuki and Ryusei. 

Just when he made it over near them both, the guy's eyebrow twitched in annoyance,"Huh? What? That brat is still alive?"

"Fine then, but I'm going back to help out MY friends." I said while turning around and running out from the alley.

I stopped my tracks to see the guy standing by Koyuki with his sword out in his hand. "SOMEONE! HELP US!" 

My heart raced as I ran down the street to jump onto the guy's back, wrapping my arms around his neck and face. I kept a grip onto him and I even tried pulling back to force the guy to walk back away from Koyuki. "You little brat!" He used his sword to scratch my left forearm, just enough for me to lose the grip a little. I flinched and even slipped a little before yelling to Koyuki to have him carry Ryusei and run away.

"Didn't anyone tell you that showing off, is the best way to die?!" He lifted the sword up in the air having the sharp end pointing towards me.

"Help me, Kuro!"

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