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''sir made it unfair, hm?'' minho cooed, gently scrubbing his boyfriend's body. ''made it way too long.''

jisung shook his head, looking up at the older with his eyebrows furrowed. ''was only twenty two hours.''

''that's pretty long,'' he continued. ''you still did really well, it was longer than twelve hours.''

eventually he sighed, knowing that no matter what he'd say the other would be able to counter it.

''i was so excited about getting a reward.'' jisung pouted, minho putting his hands in his hair and massaging his scalp gently.

''how about a second chance?'' the older offered, cocking his head to the side just the slightest. ''if you don't cum till tonight, i'll give you your treat.''

the younger immediately nodded at the suggestion, all too eager to get praised and feel loved.

''and jisung?'' minho asked, his boyfriend humming in response. ''try not to hurt yourself, please.''


for minho, the evening came quickly. for jisung, it was pure agony of him having to go the entire day with a painful erection between his legs.

''minho.'' he whined, rubbing his knees against each other to create friction in another place than he needed it.

''not yet.'' the older responded, flipping the page when he finished the assignments on one.

jisung doted over, pretending to be innocent when he put himself in his boyfriend's lap.

''yes?'' minho asked, not taking his eyes off of the page and gasping when jisung rolled his hips back on purpose.

''getting comfortable,'' he said, shrugging and letting his hips take a while to roll, making sure minho felt every inch of his ass. ''that's fine, right?''

the younger got up, easily removing him from his lap and a somewhat bored expression on his face when he leaned in to whisper in jisung's ear. ''two more hours.''


let's just say that NEVER before had two hours taken so long. jisung didn't dare come close to minho out of sheer humiliation from rejection, so he was just stuck watching his broad back and his shoulder blades move.

expect that this time when he let his eyes dart to the clock, he basically jumped up from the bed.

''minho, minho!'' the younger giggled happily, finally making contact with the male again. ''look at the clock, it's time.''

''it is, huh?'' minho said, trying to hide his own excitement that dripped through his soothing tone. ''strip then.''

jisung was too happy to care, taking off his pants with a wide smile that made it seem weird and still grinning when he took of his hoodie and shivered a bit, eventually coming down to a soft smile when he took off his boxers as well and disapprovingly redirected his gaze away from himself.

''on the bed,'' he instructed, chuckling fondly when jisung scrambled to do it.

so now his boyfriend was just laying there, skin dotted with goosebumps from the cold and free for him to help them go away.

he got up from the chair and went around the room before finally sitting next to his boyfriend, putting the items he'd collected next to jisung out of his sight.

the younger gasped when minho put a hand on his tummy and let it just roam over his torso.

''you're so pretty,'' the older cooed, pinching his nipple to earn a high whine from jisung. ''my sensitive baby.''

minho turned his hand so he could encase his ribs, thumbing over the sensitive bud and watching his boyfriend struggle not to arch his back. (failing miserably)

with a small pout he moved his hand up again, enjoying the smooth slide of skin against skin and taking the courage to wrap his hand around his throat lightly for a moment, watching his boyfriend's reaction.

it was the only time in the whole scene that jisung moved without permission, taking a vice grip on minho's wrist and tearing his hand off.

''sorry, pup,'' he apologised, still sounding calm and just putting his hand back on his waist. ''should've asked you first.''

jisung put his hand on the sheets again. ''it's okay,'' the younger reassured, sighing when minho raked his nails over his ribs. ''what's sir gonna do?''

the older tapped his chin for a moment, his expression clearing up when he stuck up his index finger. ''how about getting opened up, having master finger you till you're all whiny and cute?''

''okay,'' jisung agreed, red washing over his face slowly. ''can we be soft?''

minho chuckled behind his closed mouth. ''of course, peach,'' he confirmed. ''whatever you want.''


ah cute :((

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