A Mad World

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[A short message to the readers, this poem is made to depict real life situations that happen on an every day basis. This poem covers the impacts of racism, sex trafficing, domestic violence and abuse , verbal abuse, the impact of deportation laws on all ethnicities, drug abuse, over doses, border control laws and  its impact on immigrants, women's rights, human rights and war on other countries. This is made for readers so that we can come together and understand how inhumane these situations are and try to stop them.]

Please dont hurt me,
You dont know how your words are like bullets. I am abused an unheard and  that is the only thing that keeps you going. Your passion for the air I struggle to take in as i cry, poison you are, poison me. Be absent  another moment. There is no other pain that I could possibly endure.

Please don't hurt me,
I am locked in a cage and breathing is the only right I have. I have lost count of the hours and so have they. I feel distinguished, they cant here me because they cant understand my words. The situation is small like the love I am shown.
Dios mío, ¿dónde están mis derechos?

Please dont hurt me,
I am you and you are me. I see no black and white. I am a sinner but I am innocent. My hands are calliced just like yours.
, yet I strive to be you, powerful and accepted. Blue lights, red lights my heart is in my throat and it's in one moment that I have prayed harder than I ever have. I hope I make it home.

Please dont hurt me,
I can't find my parents and I think I'm going somewhere really soon. Mask man said he'll be really nice, the purple spots hurt when you touch them though. My skin so undeveloped and mind like mush. Made to be a product. I guess people like the unripe nature more.

Please dont hurt me,
I will taste euphoria one more time and then return the world. I am no good for my promises but I promise this is the last time, this is the best kind, this is  the right time to be floating. Your anger? I cant feel it and I cant feel your words but I am flying. Followed by a low cost detox. I can taste last nights  animation on my tongue, I am good. God give me the strength to except things I can't change but the strength of all your men to survive this... I dont think I can do this, tretch through this quicksand, let me fly the highest tonight. I feel so light, I've almost caught the man names "high" with just an inch between my finger tips and him. I have escaped I am with in the bliss of happiness yet.. why do I feel my body shaking, like an uncontrollable addiction, I feel like I'm choking. I am not breathing and just like that it's over. A never reached closure sets in and a flash.
It's over.

Please dont hurt me,
I seek your shelter and your freedom. My foundations is broken and eroding. My kind soul, if I must withstand the years of your requirements I may never return, and you show no concern? I am frightened of my future here, I go in pursuit of refuge. My feet bleed from the thousands of miles I walked to see your beautiful land of the free and you say I must turn around and bleed more for you?

Please dont hurt me, I dont know what we have done to make you steal our lives but I am willing to try and understand. Understand why you have sent fire out of the sky to rain down on us, understand that your intention were to remove our resources with no interference from my land and its culture, or to Understand that you are the elite and this had to be done?
I tried to understand why my neighbor is not breathing anymore and whymy brother can no longer speak. I am trying to understand why my mother has been asleep so long and my father can no longer walk. Its one thought that itches my mind. One question. What could be worth thy brothers and sisters lives?

I ask you please dont hurt me,
For my rights to my body as a women, and for my rights as human.
I asked you please dont hurt me,
Despite my skin color and background.
I beg you, please dont hurt me,  because I am withdrawn and need help.
Dont hurt me because I'm young and  Naive or because I fit your thoughts, I am only unknowing.
Dont hurt me, just to invade my land for the treasures you want. Understand I can't lose anymore.

Please dont heart me.

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