Part 24

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The next day Drew and Louis are heading back from a homicide they were overseeing, they have undercover security tailing them but they aren't overbearing and Louis forgets they are even there. Drew decides to stop at a gas station for fuel and they both head in, security waiting outside

"I'm going to get a water, would you like a drink?" Louis asks Drew as they head in.

"A coke would be great thanks Lou" Drew says with a smile.

Louis nods and goes to the back of the store to grab Drews coke and his water. He grabs them both out when he hears a commotion at the front of the shop. He turns around, hidden by the shelves to see a guy waving a gun between Drew and the cashier, Drew has his hands In the air, while he tries to talk to the guy, tries to coax him to put the gun away.

"Shut up or I will shoot your Fucking Head off" the guy yells.

"Look lets just calm down okay, we can talk, but only when you put the gun away" Drew says.

"I just want the money" the guy yells

"Okay, sure, we can get you the money, just put the gun down first" Drew says.

Louis can see the situation escalating, he hasn't been spotted yet so he ducks down and decides he needs to help Drew, the guy is getting more heated and Louis knows that's bad news when he's got a gun.

Back at the station Harry and Scott are bantering with their crew in the lunchroom, giving each other shit. Harry is swinging on his chair, his signature smirk on his face as he roasts one of the guys about his new tattoo of his wife's name, Scott backing him up. They are family and it's all taken on the chin but they always pay each other out, the first chance they get.

Jax walks in halfway through though with a concerned look on his face.

"What's up Jax" Scott asks as he sips his cola.

"Boys, it's a code 9" Jax says as he turns the TV on to a news channel, they see a service station with swat and police out front, code 9 means hostage situation.

"Shit, which squad" Harry says seriously as they all stand up and gather round the Tv. One of There units is in there and it's serious.

Jax doesn't answer Harry, but swallows hard.

Harry and Scott then look to Jax worriedly.

"Which squad Jax" Scott asks again sternly, not wanting Jax to confirm their fears

"28" Jax says

"That's Louis and Drew" Charlie one of the other officers says concerned.

"Fuck" Harry says as he turns to the television.

"What's status" Scott asks, he's slightly shaking, his hands unsteady as they await news.

"Gunman inside, no shots fired yet, swat have visual on Drew but not Louis" Jax says.

"We need to get down there" Harry says

"Can't let you leave Haz, Jame's orders" Dax, another officer says.

"Shit" Harry says, he knows it's protocol and Troy no doubt has men watching them and they are to vulnerable if all three of them are on scene.

They all watch the TV on the edge of their seats, Harry and Scott try to contain themselves and keep composure but the thought of Louis in there, held hostage has them scared shitless. If something happens to Louis they will never forgive themselves.

They then hear shots fired from the store and swat have to wait to head inside.

"Shots fired" Jax relays from the on-site squad.

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