Part 25

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The next morning Louis is admiring his necklace, just his boxers on in the bathroom mirror, he's covered in love bites and he's so happy.

Scott and Harry can't stop smiling while they make breakfast In the kitchen.

Harry's Phone then rings and he notices it's James.

"Hi J, what's up" Harry asks as he starts buttering a piece of toast for Scott,

"Hey H, Scott around too?" James asks.

"Yeah he's here" Harry says, he senses this isn't good.

"Louis out of earshot?" James then asks.

"Yeah, you're on speaker with Scott and I" Harry says as he places the phone down on the kitchen island, Scott looking at Harry concerned.

"Boys, I know you're not going to be happy and Louis even more so but, I've got to step him off work" James says sighing,

"What's happened" Scott asks.

"Three bomb threats overnight, two this morning, all over the city. The last one at the bureau. All with Louis name attached, he's a target and we can't risk him or the other officers safety" James says seriously.

"Fuck" Harry says.

"There's more....death threats, towards Louis have been showing up to the station, including video of his movements. I'd like to keep him under watch 24/7 for a while, I can arrange alternate accomodation for you all" James says.

"It's Troy?" Scott asks for confirmation.

"Yes, we're working on it all boys I promise, we will get all of this sorted and Troy behind bars. Feel free to work from home for the rest of the week, we've had to evacuate for the next few hours anyway as precaution. I'll be shuffling everyone around for the next few days" James says.

"Thanks J, we appreciate it" Scott says.

"I'm on my way over to get your alternate accomodation sorted okay" James says.

"Appreciated" Harry says.

"See you soon" James says and hangs up the phone.

Harry looks at Scott

"Now I'm worried" Harry says.

Scott's face pales.

"More about telling Louis he can't work"  Harry smirks.

Scott half chuckles, appreciating Harry trying to lighten the mood.

Louis then comes into the kitchen, dressed for work. He looks between Harry and Scott before he gets a water bottle from the fridge.

"I'm not that late am I" Louis smiles.

"No darling, but we....need to talk" Harry says sympathetically.

"What have I done?" Louis asks.

"Nothing baby, but....listen, you can't go into work anymore, until we sort this case out. It's to dangerous, James called this morning. You're in to much danger and we're all being moved to somewhere safer" Scott says.

"Are you serious?" Louis asks upset.

Harry and Scott nod.

Louis is so overwhelmed with everything and frustrated, his dream job just slipping away and his dad is an arsehole, he loses control for a minute and throws his water bottle across the room, thudding it against the wall.

"Sweetheart, calm down" Harry says.

"He's ruining my life" Louis says heatedly.

"Darling we're sorry" Scott says as he stands up.

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