Part 28

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"James, how can they have just lost them" Harry asks angrily as James speeds through the streets, back to the bureau.  

"We will find him Harry, we have everyone on it" James assures.

Harry's Phone then rings in his pocket, he looks at the caller and scrunches his face up.

"It's Noah" Harry says.

"Keep hum on the Phone Harry for as long as you can, we will track the call" Scott says,

"Styles" Harry announces as he answers and puts the phone on speaker, he prays to god Louis is okay.

"Harry, it's Noah" Noah says.

"Where's Louis." Harry asks angrily.

"Listen I can't talk long, if they find me they will kill me. They made me do it, made me follow along, I didn't want too, I would never hurt Louis, they told me they would kill me if I didn't help them" Noah says.

"Noah, I understand, but Louis is in danger, we can't help either of you if we don't know what's going on" Harry says.

"I know, that's why I'm calling, I snuck out, they've got him at an old warehouse at the back of Elm street, he doesn't have long, half an hour at most, just hurry, you will need Jax, they have him trapped and the only way to save him is with the code, I don't have it, you'll need Jax to break it fast.....look I have to go" Noah says and he hangs up.

James puts his foot down and speeds lights and sirens as he calls the team in, he just hopes they can get there in time.


Louis panics himself silly as the water keeps rising, when it gets to his waist he can't contain his emotions and screams himself raw. His hands are numb and his body is in so much pain. He then sees something from the corner of his eye, he thinks Troy is back, he wonders if Troy's gang is here to watch him die, laugh about it all like it's all some show.

What he sees though is about 20 SWAT officers storm the warehouse, he sees, James, Harry and Scott desperately looking for him, when they lock eyes, Louis portrays all his fear to them and they portray it back. They all rush over while the SWAT team search and secure the building, he sees Rhys, Troy and Cody being arrested out the front of the warehouse, can see them yelling at each other but still no Noah.

"Louis, baby, we are going to get you out" Scott says.

Louis can't hear him though.

"He can't hear you" Jax says as he signals to the intercom.

"Shit, it's soundproof?" Scott asks,

"And bullet proof and I'm assuming everything proof, our only hope is the code" Jax says

Harry presses the intercom button to talk to Louis.

"Baby, it's okay, relax okay we are going to get you out" Harry says.

Louis is crying hysterically now, trying to get free, the water is starting to rise quicker and quicker.

"Jax hurry up" Scott screams

"I'm working on it Scott, I'm doing my best" Jax says.

Harry finds the pipe that is spilling water into the room, he tries to pull it out but it's stuck and they can't move it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Harry, use your's on a trigger" Jax yells at Harry.

All his training is going out the window in this moment he and Scott are so desperate to get to Louis, they aren't thinking straight.

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