Part 31

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Louis has a really restless nights sleep and Sammy changed over with another nurse called Abby, so she can have a few days off. Louis doesn't respond well to Abby, even though she's kind, Louis misses Sammy.

Andy comes in at 6am when Abby calls him up, worried about Louis oxygen levels, Andy advises them all that Louis must remain in bed while his statement is taken and that he isn't allowed out of bed at all, unless he has to use the bathroom.

Louis is frustrated and angry at himself and his body and when James and Drew turn up he's completely out of sorts, he tries his best to cover it all up and act fine, Harry and Scott can see straight through it though.

"Okay Louis, we are going to make this as quick and painless as possible Okay" James says as he and Drew pull up a chair next to Louis bed, Drew sets up the tape recorder. Harry and Scott are on either side of Louis to help comfort him.

Louis nods and sighs.

"Let's start with when you were in the car with Harry and Scott"  Drew says.

Louis goes over the events and he tells a detailed story of what happened, Harry and Scott hate seeing Louis like this, he's so upset but trying to hide it, act like he's okay about it all.

Scott and Harry can see through the entire act though and so can James and Drew. When they have the statement James and Drew leave and Joey and Jake turn up to take Harry and Scott's. They head to the private waiting area for theirs under Sammy's request of Louis needing rest. Louis tries to hide his anxiety of them leaving him alone and tells them to go, Scott and Harry agree and promise to be back in about an hour.

Louis is left completely alone for the first time in a week and the silence is deafening, having just re lived the events he wanted to forget about, Louis is a little on edge, he tries to calm himself down, remind himself he is safe and that his dad is in jail. He tries to tell himself that Harry and Scott are safe and are just down the hall, his body is exhausted though and he ends up falling asleep.

Harry and Scott try to be as quick as they can but their statement is taking a little longer than they thought. Both their thoughts are on Louis and getting back to him as quickly as they can.

Finally they make their way back to Louis room, hoping that he's okay and has fallen asleep. As they walk in they see Abby standing at the side of Louis bed, a frown on her face as she checks a few things.

"Hey Abs, everything okay?" Scott asks instantly concerned.

They both notice Louis is sweating and breathing heavily.

"I thought he was just having a nightmare, his pulse went up and I came in to check, but his temp is through the roof and he isn't breathing as well as I'd like" Abby says concerned.

"Is he going to be okay" Harry asks upset,

"I'm just going to page Andy and get him to come straight up, I'm not happy to wait and see" Abby says.

The boys nod as Abby hastily leaves the room. The boys hurry to Louis side as they see him stir

Louis is having a nightmare and it's extremely vivid, he can feel himself drowning and he can't breathe, he's struggling and suddenly he feels a whooshing in his ears and he's brought back to reality he sits up in bed with a start, he sweating and he's still in hospital, he however still can't breathe, his dream is somewhat a reality and he cannot find air.

"Lou, it's okay, help is coming baby try to relax" Harry says as he takes over, Louis is in trouble and he needs to help him calm down

Andy the rushes into the room, followed by Abby and another two male nurse,

"Boys I'm going to have to get you to move aside"Andy tells Harry and Scott

They listen instantly and cuddle together in the corner of the room as they watch everyone working on Louis.

"Louis, I know you're scared but we are going to help you okay" Andy says as he throws instructions around the room and everyone rushes to get everything done.

Louis is scared shitless, he can't breathe. He meets eyes with Harry and Scott and sees their shocked, scared faces and he knows this is bad. He reaches out for Them both panicking. Harry doesn't care what the doctors are saying he kisses Scott on the head then races to Louis, Louis latches on to Harry tightly.

"It's okay baby I'm here, you're not alone we're here" Harry says soothingly.

"Harry if you could get Louis to straddle you and keep him still for me" Andy says seriously,

Harry manoeuvres Louis easily and Louis clings to him trying to breathe,

"Okay Louis just try to relax on Harry, you're going to feel better really soon" Andy says.

"Harry, this is going to hurt, you need to hold him still" Abby tells Harry.

Harry holds Louis tightly as his shirt is cut off and Andy does something to Louis back, Harry can't see and tenses when Louis lets out a horrific scream.

He tries to get out of Harry's grip but Harry holds him and the other two male nurses help.

"Shhhh you're doing great Louis, it's nearly over" one of them says.

"Just try to breathe Lou" the other one says.

"Shhhh I'm here darling, I've got you" Harry reassures.

"Stop, please" Louis screams.

Andy drains the fluid from Louis back and Louis starts breathing easier,

"Good boy baby" Harry tells him.

"I'm done now Louis, just hang in their" Andy says.

Scott is watching on anxiously, so glad that Harry has taken over. He can't handle seeing Louis in pain.

When Andy is finished he patches Louis up and they try to move Louis, but he won't let go of Harry.

"It's okay leave him, I've got him" Harry tells Andy.

Andy nods, administers some pain relief to Louis and he falls asleep hiccuping in absolute pain.

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