Part 33

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# Last chapter might do a sequel if you guys want xx

Over the next few weeks Louis steps up his exercise routine and he doesn't eat much at all, Harry and Scott keep their eye on him as much as they can but are concerned Louis is going to hard, he meets with the trainer Drew suggested at the penthouse and Louis is loving his training with him, Max is a great trainer and has told Harry and Scott how amazing Louis is at boxing.

As the trial moves closer, Harry and Scott are at work more and more. Louis isn't scheduled to come back to work until after the trial and Harry and Scott are grateful, they aren't oblivious to the nightmares Louis keeps having, he thinks they don't know but they are happening nearly every night. Whenever they try to bring anything up with Louis though, he closes right off and goes back to exercising like crazy.

Louis has leaned out even more, he's gained all his tone back and his sexy v line the boys love, however Louis is slot skinnier and no matter how much he tries to convince Scott, Harry and now Max that he's eating accordingly, they don't buy it.

"Hey Max, is everything okay, you're on speaker with Scott too" Harry asks as he answers the phone, Louis shouldn't have finished his training session with Max yet.

"Hi guys, listen, I just left your place, Louis is a little upset with me" Max says sighing.

"What's happened?" Harry asks as he and Scott start driving home after a long day at work.

"He was exhausted, no matter what he says he hasn't slept and he nearly fainted during our workout. I had him finally admit he has been suffering a migraine and hadn't eaten today. I've told him.....I can't train him until he's respecting his body enough to eat properly.....I'm really sorry Boys but he's losing to much weight and somethings going on, I know the trial is coming up" Max says.

Harry sighs and he and Scott look at each other.

"We understand Max and really appreciate you letting us know, thanks for looking out for him" Harry says.

"As much as he says the trial isn't bothering him, it's clear it is. We will have a talk with him" Scott says.

"I love training Louis and I want to keep going, he has amazing potential, maybe when the trial is over and he's in a better headspace" Max says.

"Yeah, he's going to be gutted but it's the right decision. Thanks Max" Harry says.

"No problem, I'll keep in touch" Max says.

The boys agree and they say their goodbyes

"Prepare for world war three" Harry chuckles as they pull up into the carpark at home.

Scott smiles as they reach the lift and head up to their apartment.

Inside Louis is upset, he's angry at himself and he's had a headache for three days that won't go away. He's not sleeping and every time he even tries to shut his eyes the flashbacks start and he can't handle it.

He doesn't want to bother Harry and Scott anymore and he's so frustrated, he puts his gloves on, he doesn't care what Max says, he knows how to hit a bag, he can train himself. Louis takes all his anger out on the bag, he lets himself feel for the first time in months, he lets all his frustrations go into the hits, his head is pounding but he keeps going until he's absolutely exhausted himself out.... he then grabs his gloves and throws them one by one across the room in tears, and that's how Harry and Scott find him. Scott rushes over to Louis and grabs him, he pulls him into his arms. Louis struggles but Scott is much bigger and restrains him. Harry comes over and places his hand on the back of Louis head in comfort, he kisses Louis head comfortingly as Louis sobs.

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