Part 26

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The boys take over Louis packing and he sits on the bed watching them both.

"Okay there baby?" Scott asks eyeing Louis warily.

"This is all my fault" Louis says softly.

"Darling, we've been over this" Harry says.

Louis sighs.

"Come on, lets get going, we're in this together Louis" Scott says as he holds out his hand to Louis.

Louis takes his hand and they meet James in the entryway.

"Okay, now, we have a car waiting downstairs, Troy is going to be watching us move you. I will be in one car, you boys in the other, we will be heading downtown but will be taking our time getting there, to ensure we get there safely. I will meet you at the hotel" James says.

"So we can travel together?" Harry asks.

"It's safer, we will have people following you, and we will station an officer here to monitor the apartment" James says.

The boys nod

"How long will we be gone for?" Louis asks innocently

James sighs

"Until it's safe kiddo, I can't say, I'm sorry" James says sympathetically

Louis nods and they get going, Scott and Harry on either side of Louis. It's quiet and tense and when they get to the parking garage everything happens quickly and efficiently. The boys are all led into the waiting car, James and two agents in the car behind. It's a swift process and the car has tinted windows, they are led out into the open and Louis wonders how long it will be until this is all over.

Louis is lost in his thoughts until Scott and Harry grab onto his arms, he looks up curiously and sees they are both on edge and he's instantly scared. Harry takes his phone out of his pocket and types something. He shows it to Louis discretely.

"This is a set up, something is off, we will get us out of safely, listen to us and don't panic" the text says.

Louis doesn't have time to comprehend the message before there is a loud bang the car is spun out of control and he loses consciousness.


Louis wakes in pain, he feels like he's been hit by a bus, he's freezing and it's dark, his head is pounding. As his eyes adjust to the room he sees he's in a basement but can't see Harry or Scott, he tries to steady his breathing. The door then opens and in come two men, he's never seen them before, they smirk at him and one hauls him up causing Louis to cry out on pain.

"So glad you're awake, been out quiet a while" the guy who grabs him says.

Louis is trying to get his head around everything, he barely remembers leaving the apartment, he's so confused.

"So you're Troy's son huh, we've been waiting to meet you personally, Troy has told us how good you are at handling pain, can't wait to test that out" the other guy smirks.

Louis can't talk, he's scared and he's worried about Scott and Harry

"There's some people who've been waiting for you, shall we go?" One if them says.

Louis is then dragged out of the cell, where he's been kept, and taken up a set of stairs, they are in a warehouse and it's empty and dirty. Louis can hardly walk.

He's then taken into a room where he sees Harry and Scott, both tied to a chair and gagged. They don't look hurt and Louis is relieved. Their eyes widen when they see Louis and they both struggle to get out of their restraints, Louis can hear them trying to say his name. This is bad.

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