I'm not a poet

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I'm not a poet
I may write and I may perform
But that doesn't make me a poet or an artist
But if that doesn't then what does?
I write for the comfort
I write because like a bank paper and pen are a safe place for me
My thoughts all gathered in one place
All at the same time
It gives me pleasure to write
I write because it makes me happy
Like a couple on their wedding day the bells ring in my head whenever my hands touch a pencil that touches paper
It's a sense of feeling a state of mind
A state of being if you will
I write because I love to write
I expand my passion by constantly doing it and it makes me ever so proud and more confident in my own body because I embrace my own writing and how it affects me and the world around me
But I'm not a poet
I'm a warrior
I'm a hider
I'm a seeker
But I'm not a poet

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