xiv | peppermint kisses

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xiv | peppermint kisses

bold - rita hotch
italics - tim drake

[EXT. Gotham Park, 03:00 PM; February 14th]

"You're such a cliché, Timmy."

"Well, I do try. So, you want to sit down?"

"Of course. What have you prepared for us this jolly day?"

"Well, I didn't prepare anything myself - I had help. But, still."

"At least you're honest. So, what did B say to you revealing your identity?"

"I thought I was gonna die, to be honest. But, I didn't, obviously. He wants to meet you. See if you're trustworthy."

"Sure, I will. I don't mind. By the way, tell whoever helped you with this that the cakes are amazing. Like, genuinely."

"We tell him far too often, but I'll make sure to. Alfred appreciates anyone who appreciates good food."

"Alfred's your butler, right?"

"Yes, but he's also a friend - a grandfather, of sorts. To all of us Bruce took in."

"Doesn't he have a habit of picking up kids and adopt?"

"Yeah. It's slightly better now - he hasn't adopted anyone since Cass and that was 4 years ago."

"She's in China, right?"

"Hong Kong. Sometimes I think she's the only sane member of the family."

"What about the others?"

"What about them?"

"Tell me something. I like hearing you talk."

"Uh, okay. So, obviously, Dick's the oldest. He's twenty-eight and works for Blüdhaven PD, where he lives. Then, you've got Jason - he's twenty-four. A pain in the ass, but still shows he cares in his own little ways. Cass. She's twenty-two and probably the kindest person you can meet. As I've said, she's in Hong Kong working. 

After her, it's me. I'm nineteen, if you didn't know. I go to college, but spend more time sleeping in class than actual work. And, last, and most definitely least, you've got Damian. He's Bruce's only blood child and he likes rubbing it in our faces. A satanic, little, fourteen-year-old who deserves a good kick in the ass every now and then."

"Wow, they're... something. In my family, it's just me. Well, me and my parents, though my dad's too busy with work far too often. My mom works from home, so at least I see her often. They're both lovable and kind and funny."

"They have to be. They made you."

"Oh, you're making me blush."

"Can I kiss you?"


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