Chapter 3: Seeing More of Titanic

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Today we were walking around Titanic with the Thayers and Mr. Andrews. Mr. Andrews was giving us a nice tour of the Titanic. Of course when Me, Eddie and Maddie were exploring  we went to a lot of the places they showed on the tour  but it was fun still.

"The deck we're approaching is the boat deck this is where the lifeboats are stored. The next stop will be the bridge."

We were leaving the boat deck when Maddie spoke up.

"Mr. Andrews I don't know if it is just me but from what I saw. I don't think  there is  enough lifeboats for all of the passengers and crew on board Titanic."

"You're right Miss. McCoy. Unfortunately there isn't enough boats by half. But you see I wanted to put the correct number of Lifeboats on but was overruled. So then I proposed 40 lifeboats on her. But the owners of Harland and wolff  as well as Mr Ismay overruled me again so they reduced the number to 20. And their reason for denying my choice  for the accurate number of lifeboats was because the deck would look to cluttered."

"But surely it would be the safest option." Eddie stated

"Exactly what I said Mr. Mason. So just incase I put four collapsible Lifeboats on the ship." That alarmed us but we knew we could trust Mr. Andrews. We approached the bridge and we had a look about and then left. After learning about Mr. Ismay being the reason that Titanic didn't have enough lifeboats we really did not want to see Mr. Ismay at all. On our way to the next stop which I didn't really know where because I wasn't listening  we bumped into Mr. Ismay and judging by the way Eddie, Maddie and The Thayers were looking we all really didn't want to talk to him.

"Hello there Mason's, Miss. McCoy, Mr. Andrews and Thayers. How wonderful it is too see you out and about on this beautiful April day."

"Hello Mr. Ismay" We all said not wanting to speak to him at all.

But that didn't stop Mr. Ismay going on about how grand, sleek and fast Titanic was for about the hundredth time. Mr. Andrews sensed the awkwardness and tension. As well as realising that we had enough of him going on about it at Dinner, Breakfast and Luncheon without needing to her anymore of it butted in.

"Mr. Ismay we really must press on if we want to be finished before dinner and dusk."

"Very well. See you all at dinner."

"Yes sir." We all smiled sarcastically. Either Mr. Ismay was dumb enough not to pick up on the sarcasm or we all were really good at masking it as he smiled at us and waved us goodbye. And the tour continued on.

"Thank you for that Mr. Andrews."

"Your welcome. Next stop Boiler Rooms." The Thayers seemed oddly excited about this. as for me and My family we wanted to just go and grab something to drink and perhaps a bite to eat because we realised that in the Cafe Parisian did snacks in between meals as well as Milkshakes. So we decided that we would go there. Maddie and Eddie  had cups of Tea and I had a Vanilla-Butterscotch milkshake and it was heaven.

"This is so much better than going to the Boiler rooms." I said  "And this is delicious."

"I agree about the Boiler rooms. I'm glad you enjoyed the milkshake." Eddie nodded and Maddie agreed with him and then we decided to go and get ready for dinner.

*After dinner*

Me, Maddie and Eddie all head back to our staterooms.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Of course Eddie. Why wouldn't I? It's my birthday!" I replied

"He's definitely excited." Maddie replied.

We all went to bed. I was so exhausted that I once again went to sleep straight away.

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