Chapter 8: Ohio Sweet Ohio

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*A week Later*


We have been in New York and back on American soil for a week now. I know it will take time for the night-terrors  that plague me every night since the sinking of the ship of dreams to downgrade to nightmares and then finally just a distant memory  but that doesn't stop me wishing that they would hurry up and do that. I know they say time is a great healer and I hope that the saying is true but right now it seems to be like a curse. I need to stop losing myself in  thought for loads of time. Especially, when I'm walking. Thwack!!

"Oh damn it."  I muttered as I begin to rub my head where I hit it on the doorframe. 

"Joe, are you okay?" asked a tired Eddie

"Yeah I just bumped my head on the doorframe don't worry about me. Just go back to sleep Eddie."

That was when Will began to scream. In his sleep. I go to comfort him but Eddie stopped me and said.

"I'll get him. You have to sleep we have to be up at dawn if we want to get to Ohio before midnight tomorrow."

"Okay Eddie. Night." 

"Night Little brother."


"Wake up sleepy head." I hear a voice say. I don't move. The voice speaks again. "Come on Joe. We're  going  back home to ohio today. Come on Maddie is getting the boys ready."

I sat up. I heard Eddie chuckle.

"Well that got your attention.  Now get up and get dressed we are going to be leaving soon." 


"Now we're all  here and ready it's time to go." Eddie announced.  Before I could reply Will yawned. 

"Why do we have to be up so early?" 

"We told you yesterday Will. We're going back to ohio today." Maddie replied.

"Oh right."  He yawned again. Richard was now in Eddie's arms and sleeping peacefully. No night terrors.  Yet. 

"Shall we go?" I asked

"Yes we shall." Maddie replied and I walked back  room in the penthouse we were staying in. Grabbing my trunk and my Titanic  model. Strange as it seems but I will never get rid of this  model. This model was the only physical thing I had left to remind me of Thomas Andrews.

A few moments later and we are all standing outside the  apartment building -waving goodbye to Marian and Jack Thayer who were staying in New York a while longer.- Eddie then hailed a carriage and we got in. 

"Where to good sir?" 

"To the tarian station so we can get on a train to Ohio." 

"Right away." The driver replied then with a crack of a whip and a jolt we began to move.   I don't know how long the carriage drove but  in what felt like no time at all we were at the train station. 

"We're here!" exclaimed William who had somehow become more energetic throughout the carriage ride.

"Yes we certainly are." Chuckled Maddie.

"Well then let's get to the platform." Eddie said 


"Eddie how long were we on the train for? It felt like ages." 

"Well Joe, We must've been on that train for over 10 ten hours."  Eddie replied as we climbed up the stairs to the house where me and Eddie grew up. Once we were inside the entrance hall.  It began to rain.  But it's nothing more then a Drizzle. In fact the drizzle was welcome. 

"This Will and Rich is where me and Joe grew up." 

"It's beautiful." 


 Maddie smiled at the fact that Will and Rich were utterly taken aback by the fact that this is where my brother and I grew up.

"Home sweet Home." 

"Exactly." Eddie sighed to no one in particular "Home sweet Home indeed."  

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