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Christmas Day 1998

"That children is my Titanic story."  Great Granddad Joe  finished

"Wow." My twin sister Paige gasped

"That's crazy." my youngest brother  Leslie said

"Damn." Gilbert my other brother said.

"You must've been so scared." My girlfriend Ebony said -Ebony had moved in with us since the birth of our son Joe Jr.  a year ago.-  Before I could speak my father Jack came into the living room.

"Grandad it's time for your medicine."

"Dad I'll get it for him." I say getting up before  my father could object.

As I walk into the kitchen I go over everything I have just learned in my head trying to make sense of it. I can't believe Great Grandad Joe was on the Titanic. Really on the Titanic!  OH GOD! He must've been terrified the night she sank.  I hope to God that history doesn't repeat itself.

I head back to the living room where Great Granda Joe is.

"Here you are Great Granda Joe." I say. 

"Thanks." He replied before going into a huge coughing fit.


Hours later everyone was in bed but me. I couldn't sleep my head was still spinning after yesterday revelations. As I was passing my great grandfather's bedroom door I could hear coughing. As well as....conversation?

I decide I better go and check on Great Granda Joe.

"Hey Great Granda Joe are you okay?"

"Oh hello Jayden."

"who are you talking to Great Granda Joe Is it someone from Titanic?"

"Yes, Mr. Andrews is over in the chair."  He whispered pointing to the chair by the window. I knew the chair was empty but I thought it best to play along for the lack of a better term. 

It brought tears to my eyes as I saw him looking at this chair. I felt sorry for him thinking that he was having an actual chat with Thomas Andrews.

"Well hello Mr. Andrews." I reply.

"He says hello. Jayden I want you to have that model of Titanic." Joe replied while pointing to his model of the Titanic. "I want you to make sure my story is heard and I want Joe jr. to remember that he had a relative on the ship of dreams."

"Okay Great Granda Joe. I'll make sure of it. " I say going over to his bookshelf  and picking up the model of Titanic and I was extra careful since it is 86 years old. "I'll be back in a moment. Keep talking to Mr. Andrews  and I'll be back with a cup of water for you."

"Okay." Joe answered before turning back to continue his conversation.

I walk out of the room and head to mine and Ebony's where I'm shocked to see my girlfriend awake.

"How is he?"

"He is talking with Mr. Andrews."

"Mr Andrews is dead though."

"I know. It's his ghost. I say it won't be long before he goes with him. I have a feeling it'll be sooner rather then later."

"What's this?"

"It's his Titanic model."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah he gave it to me.  I'm putting it on the top shelf of our bookshelf that way little hands can't get to it."

"Good plan."

"Anyway I'm going to get him a water." I say kissing the top of her head.


"Here you are."

"Thanks Jayden."

"You're welcome Great Granda Joe."

"Can you bring everyone in.  I feel like it's time for me to go with Mr. Andrews."  Joe said with an immense amount of certainty in his tone so I knew that I shouldn't argue. I nod and go wake everyone. We all say goodbye individually. I went last.

"You ready?" asked Gilbert

"Ready as I'll ever be."


"I'm back Great Granda Joe"

"I should say hello but since.."

"I understand." I say clasping my great grandfather's hand.

"Can I ask you something before you go?"

"Anything Jayden."

"What did you think of James Cameron's Titanic?"

"Aside from the fictional parts with Jack and Rose. Very accurate. disturbingly accurate."

"Were you scared you know when the ship was sinking?"

"I think everyone was."

"Goodbye Great Granda Joe.  Stay safe." I turn to the chair.  "Goodbye Mr. Andrews keep him safe will you." 

"He said he will."   Joe answered for Mr. Andrews. I kiss his forehead and his grip on my hand lessened and his blood went cold.

I walked out of his room with tears in my eyes.

"Is he?"

"Gone Dad." My voice faltered.



13th April 1903 - 26th December 1998



" Even the midst of all this tragedy and mourning there can be a tiny glint of happiness. That even in the saddest time there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And that is something I will believe my entire life. "

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