Kaga was effectively blinded, the blizzard too thick for her to see more than a couple feet in front of her. She blasted forth a couple Fireballs experimentally, trying to drive back the snow, but she found that they vanished almost as soon as they left her palms. Narrowing her eyes, she began to shiver uncontrollably as she realized the blizzard was different than it was before. It wasn't just blinding: it was unnaturally, unbearably cold, and was getting colder by the second. She tried wrapping herself in fire using a Firecloak spell, but it, too, fizzled out not long after being cast. A low, dry chuckle rang out from all around, startling Kaga. "Impressive, isn't it? There are none who can quite match the power of my Cryomancy." She tried pinpointing the location of the voice, but it was bouncing off the fog of the blizzard around her, sounding like it was coming from everywhere at once. "It mimics the chill of death itself, rendering all but the hottest of flame useless inside it."
Kaga shivered again, though not from the cold. The voice was dry, hoarse, and harsh, but there was unmistakable power behind its words. She knew it belonged to the horror she feared: the skeletal figure from the ravine. "Do you know what its like? To be dead?" It sounded closer, and Kaga knew it was somewhere just beyond her vision. "I have been in its chilled embrace for a third time, three years ago. I have no intention of going back for a fourth." Suddenly, she could see it: its eyes. Two blue pin-pricks in the veil of the blizzard, the malice unmistakable. She prepared the flame spell she first used when the Korbloxians initially attacked. "And you, my dear, will not spoil the surprise of our return to Redcliff so soon." She sensed its blood lust rise, and knew it was about to attack. "Sooner than you think!" she screamed, and pushed outward with all her might.
A fan of flame shot out in all directions from Kaga, the sheer effort causing the fire to last longer, managing to slightly pierce the fog. However, the eyes of the Korbloxian were gone, and she didn't notice when it disappeared from her vision as her spell died out, not hitting its mark. She whipped around, uncertain, concentrating all her senses on trying to locate it. She heard the buzzing of her wings and the howling of the wind, but the presence of the Korbloxian had completely vanished. Suddenly, she howled as a sudden excruciating pain radiated out from her back, and she collapsed heavily onto the ground. Dizzy from the experience, she tried to lift off the ground with her wings, but only screamed as the movement caused more pain. Weakly, Kaga looked backwards, twisting her neck to look at one of her wings. Where once the beautiful rainbow colored appendage was, only a bloody stump was in its place. Kaga felt her stomach drop, realizing the Korbloxian had cut off her wings.
"Now that you no longer have the aerial advantage, what will you do?" its voice called out, almost tauntingly. Groaning, she stumbled to her feet, tuning her mana to water. She held out her hands and weaved them around her body, trying to form a cloak of snow to cover her movements. "Trying to use my own spell against me? That'd work on a lesser opponent, perhaps, but I can see you clearly." Kaga felt a rush of cold air and gasped as a wave of agony punctured her leg, causing her to collapse to one knee. She looked over her shoulder just in time to see the outline of the Korbloxian disappear into the blizzard as quickly as he materialized from it. Kaga looked around wildly, thoughts racing. I have to get out of his spell! Tuning her mana to wind, she took in a deep breath, and blew out, forcing her backwards. She shot through the blizzard, clenching her teeth through the pain and cold. As she got farther away from where she was, the blizzard let up, and soon her visibility improved, being able to see somewhat clearly through the snow again. As the force from her wind spell gradually diminished, she crashed heavily against the ground, and rolled to a stop.
Moaning, she sat up as quickly as she could, she tuned to life and began to rapidly heal the wound in her leg. The rushed healing would cause permanent damage, limiting her use of the limb in the future, but she needs any functionality she can get at the moment. Once done, Kaga looked up to survey her surroundings, and realized she was back to where the fight initially began: the fallen Korbloxians from their initial wave having been covered in a layer of snow. "Realized my spell had a limited range, hm? Clever." Kaga whipped around, seeing her enemy clearly for the first time as it walked towards her. Covered in a makeshift cloak, it was a skeleton with charred black bones. The rib cage was exposed, and within, Kaga saw a blue light pulse at a regular pace, looking almost like steady breathing. The legs were broken off at the ends, the right leg being longer than the left, though an eerie blue light flared at the end points. Where the Korbloxian appeared to step, a ghostly footprint formed in the snow, glowing a similar blue as smoke rose from where he stepped. Its fingers were more like talons as they ended in brutal points, gripping two swords that appeared to drain the very energy from the surroundings. His head was a grinning skull: the visage of death itself, fixed in a perpetual smile, and in its eye sockets were two blue balls of fire.