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Draco Malfoy was gay.

Harry Potter was bisexual.

Pansy Parkinson was pansexual.

Hermionie Granger was bisexual.

Ron Weasley thought he was straight.

Blaise Zabini was...Blaise.

Neville Longbottom didn't give a fuck.

Luna Lovegood was questioning.

Ginny Weasley was bisexual.

Pansy had become friends with Hermionie.

Hermionie and Ron broke up.

Draco and Pansy stopped acting like lovers.

Blaise was.....still Blaise

Neville may have started tiny little things for Luna and Ginny.

Ginny thought of Harry more as a brother now.

Harry thought Ginny was clingy, though she was testing him.

Draco had been obssessed with Harry since first year. (We all knew it)

Harry had been obssessed with Draco since well... sixth year (Probably before then but... WHO KNOWS) *Grabs J.K. Rowling and points to her*

Let's see how this all works out....


And as for me I'm a little bit obssessed with Drarry...nothing much *chuckle, chuckle*


I'm a little bi bitch and so yeah

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