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 I know I have like no readers but yes, I am going to do part of this from McGonagall's POV.

 McGonagall's POV

 I faced the wind as blew through my hair. Albus and I had decided to add an 8th year for the students who were in 7th year during the war. I was the new headmistress. We had already sent out the letters. My face turned grim as I remembered Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Tonks, and everyone else who gave their lives to Death during the war. Except for Tom, I was glad Death had taken him. 

I mentally hit myself, NEVER  wish Death upon somone! 

I was looking forward to seeing Draco this year. He was just a young, broken child. After his father was sent to Azkaban for life, he came back to Hogwarts. Draco had done about one-forth of rebuilding the castle. He had told me that it was the only place he had really considered a real home. Draco was so sweet, he had showed me all the beatings, bruises, and cuts from his father. No one deserved that kind of punishment.

Harry Potter had already sent his reply, saying he was indeed going to come to Hogwarts for an 8th year. I smiled, remembering everything he did for the wizarding world. Horrible, horrible people those Dursleys. I had realized how much the two boys had in common and smiled. They could have been quite good friends if they stopped insulting.

Then again, there was a very thin line between love and hate. Maybe the boys were meant to be something more. 

I talked to Snape and Dumbledore about this. (Portraits of the headmasters...cause they died) In the end we had a bet. 

Me: I had bet that Harry was going to develop feelings for Draco first.

Dumbledore: He had bet that Draco would fall for Harry first.

Snape: He bet that his godson would do no such, outrageous thing. In quote, 'No one would be stupid enough to fall for a Potter.' I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off, 'She was an Evans not a Potter.'

It was all set up, losers owed the winner 15 galleons. Harry and Draco had no idea what crazy things I was going to do this year.

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