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Hermione POV

I had told Pansy that she could bring Harry to see me. But not Ron. I wasn't ready for his critism of me being bisexual.

Pansy didn't care, she was pansexual herself. I think that I may have a tiny crush on her. I'm not completely sure, but I'm pretty sure. But Pansy the pansexual. I still chuckle at that sometimes. I hope that she could discover something for me too. Probably not going to happen.

I helped Pansy with the letter that she sent to everyone else. I reassured her that it was fine to tell everyone that I was with her. They couldn't come after me. Why would they even want to?

I was in the middle of my thoughts when I heard the compartment door slide open. I guessed it was Pansy and Harry. Pansy sat next to me. She tapped my shoulder lightly. I turned my head and saw Harry's face for the first time in a month. 

Pansy leaned close to my ear.

"I'll go, you two can talk."

I smiled at her, "Thanks." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and faintly smiled back. 

After she left, my eyes met Harry. I looked away as I noticed how tears were forming in his eyes. I felt bad, but I didn't know what to expect. Then I heard a soft whisper.

"I don't care that you're bisexual. I am too."

I gazed up into his eyes. A silent tear fell from his eye.

"Ron doesn't care either. He's gay."

Now I was surprised, "What?" 

Harry showed a small smile, seeing that I was now involved in the conversation. He leaned back, looking at the ceiling of the compartment.

"Yeah, he just told me. Ginny was mainly the disgusted one. I, for one, was proud that you came out to us so bravely."

I nodded. I was so happy to hear that Ron wasn't upset. And to see Harry again. I then decided to jump up from my seat and hug him. I missed him so much over this past month. He was surprised. I could tell.

Nonetheless, he wrapped an arm around me and hugged me back. After I pulled away, I smiled brightly, "You can get Ron, I'm ready to talk to him."

At that moment, I heard a knock on the door. I turned my head. It was Draco. I smirked. I had noticed that Draco had a crush on Harry. I turned back to Harry, "You know what? I'll go talk to him myself. You can talk to Draco!"

He opened his mouth, his eyes wide with "No!" shouting in them. It was too late, I was walking out of the compartment, winking at Draco. 

I made it to Ron's compartment, meeting Pansy on the way there. We bumped into each other. After getting up from the floor, I extended my hand to help her up. She held onto it, laughing. Her hands were so warm, and soft. 

I pulled her up, now laughing too. She beckoned me into an empty compartment. I followed her in. Somehow she had gotten a nail sander. She was using it on her nails, occasionally blowing at her nails. I sat down across from me.

I reached into my bag, I had carried it from the other compartment, and grabbed A History of Hogwarts: 7th Edition  I started to read it.

We stayed there, in silence, before she broke it. Since I was laying across the seats, she picked up my head and sat down. Then she set it down onto her lap. I glared up at her, my eyes reluctantly leaving the 274th page. She just smiled. That annoyed me, but her lap was comfortable. I was siriusly fighting the urge to snuggle into it.

"So, what kind of things do you want to do at the party?" She asked me. I sighed, putting down my book. "I've been thinking..." I tapped my index finger on my chin.

She lifted an eyebrow at me, "Been thinking..."

"Well," I was sitting up now, "I remember hearing about some game called Truth, dare, Kiss or Swear. Apparently it's popular among teen witches and wizards."

"Yeah, I've heard of it," Pansy said, sounding excited, "It sounds like a great idea! I was thinking like spin the bottle or something, but that one is even better!"

"Wow, you really are enthusiastic about this." I remarked.

She practically jumped out of the seat, "Yep!"

''By the way, where is Blaise?"

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