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I'm sorry, but this is my favorite song. Even better, it's Nightcore...

Ron's POV

After Malfoy left the compartment, he left Blaise and I alone together. 

Blaise cleared his throat and sat down, "So..um, hi...?"

He sounded really uncomfortable so I smiled reassuringly, "Hi! We never really have gotten a chance to talk before." 

He visibly relaxed after this and I felt a warmth in my heart when he looked so comfortable. Not cold and icy, as he usually was in public. I get it. The reputation of a Zabini. And that of a Slytherin. 

"Yeah, I wanted to know something, if it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable." He replied, now a little rigid around the edges.

I was now cautious, what did he want to know about me this early on into conversation? "Well, I guess you can ask me anything."

"Um, great, so...are you homophobic? I mean, we can't really be friends if you are." His demeanor changed once again. Wow he was quick at that. It was like second nature to him.

Besides that, I answered,"Nope. I'm actually gay myself. And before I knew it, I supported the community. 100%. I don't care if someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, gender fluid, I've been friends with them all!"

After this, Blaise seemed a lot more comfortable around me. We were talking when about 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. 

It slid open, and revealed the Patil sisters. They giggled, looking at us. 

"Sorry we were looking for Pansy and Hermione. Do you know where they are, by any chance?"

They were looking at Blaise, rather than me, and batting their eyelashes. Something inside me went off. I hated how they looked at him. I don't know what came over me but I stood up, growling," No, sorry. Pansy left with Harry to visit Hermione about 20 minutes ago. That's all. Now leave, please."

They turned to me while I was talking. Their eyes widening as I growled on. "Um, sure. Thanks." Was all I got in return. I sighed and sat down. Only this time, instead of sitting across from Blaise, I sat next to him.

He turned to face me, "What was that?" he asked. I folded one leg over the other and replied simply, "I'm just tired of all their bickering, gossiping, and bullshit. I've been dealing with it for about 4 years now. I was just tired of it."


Luckily, to save the awkwardness, a loud voice rang through the train. An intercom system. It was newly developed after the war.

"Students may now want to change into their robes. We will arrive in precisely half an hour. Thank you. For 8th years, do not put on your house tie. All houses will be conjoined into one common room this year."

I gazed at Blaise in surprise, to find he was already returning the gaze. His eyes were brown. But not just any boring brown. A deep brown that reminded me of chocolate. Mmm...chocolate.

I shook myself out of his gaze, "Um, so, I should go change now.." I stood up.

I turned to my baggage and collected my robes, leaving my Gryffindor tie behind. I turned back to Blaise. He was staring at me, expression unreadable. His eyes slowly moved upward, meeting mine.

I tore my head away, clearing my throat. I thought that I may have seen hurt flash in them for a quick second. I didn't question it. 

As I turned to leave, I heard a voice. Not a whisper, but a normal talking voice. "Hey, Weas- Ron, can I trust you with something?"

I was not prepared for this. "Yeah, anything."

I sat back down, robes in my lap. I looked straight into his eyes, "Anything, anytime."

He smiled and leaned forward, arms resting on his thighs, hands meeting into a curled fist. "I want to tell you something I have vowed to never tell anyone. I'm just not sure if I can completely trust you."

I copied his position, our fisted hands barely touching, but still touching. His hands were warm. I stared into his eyes again, "You can tell me anything. I won't care if it's something about you. It doesn't change who you are as a person."

Blaise then wondered, "And what kind of a person am I to you?"

I sighed, pulling out of the position, "You are a misunderstood Slytherin who I saved from a raging fire last year. (Watch the scene, it happens) Besides the point, you are a good person that I hope will be my friend."

I smiled at his smile. I personally hoped that we could be more than friends, but I couldn't say that, could I?

My thoughts broke apart at, "Well, I'm pansexual and genderfluid." He said calmly.

"Great," I shrugged, smiling," I'm gay. Does it really make a difference?"

Blaise really smiled this time, a real smile. Full of true happiness. Then, he went back to his normal self, "Great."

I left to change into my robes. When I left, Blaise had his eyes closed. He had looked so peaceful. 

When I got inside the changing stall, I slumped against the wall, head in my hands. Could I possibly be falling for Blaise? Apparently I had already fallen.

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