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A/N thank you so much to everyone I never thought I could get this many views, honestly? I'm freaking over here. 20K!!! Thank you!

Draco's POV

I still can't believe how immature Harry was! I still can't believe how I had come to develop feeling for this imbecile.

Anyway, I was still fuming that night as I had my prefect patrol around the corridors. Yes, the 8th years who used to be prefects, became prefects again with shifting nights. I turned the hallway and heard a shuffle noise.

I turned around. Nothing. I smirked as I thought, "Potter."

I continued walking, whistling a soft tune as I marched down the dark halls. I then heard a crash and turned around just in time to see a shoe peek out of thin air. It had kicked a suit of armour. Damn Potter.

I rolled my eyes, "Harry, love, come out. I know it's you."

I felt something wrap around my waist. I knew those arms all too well. I turned myself around, but before I could even catch a glimpse of his face, my lips were pressed against his. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. 

After a few moments I felt a tug against my bottom lip. "Oh, Harry," I thought, "You know I always win the dominance battles."

At this moment Harry was pressed up against the wall, in the middle of a moment with Draco Malfoy.

That stayed like this for quite a while, let's just say that.

The End.

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