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A/N yeah guys I'm alive. Thanks for ur patience and all the supports a love all of u and therefore adopt you as my children. I don't care if u r older than me, which most of u are. All my lgbtq and weeb babies u r now part of the fam.

Harry's POV

I yawned sleepily as I woke. I looked over at my clock. It read 8:05 a.m. Oh shoot. Class started in ten minutes. 

As soon as I stood I rushed over to Draco's bed to wake him up. But the bed was empty. Why would he just leave me. I shrugged it off, figuring that I could glare at him later. I had more important things to do.

It had been 3 months since Pansy's big party and our new teacher, who in fact I had first today, was pretty cool. She placed in third for my favourite DADA teacher, first of course being Remus Lupin.

I quickly threw on my uniform and tie and barely had time to brush my teeth. I skipped breakfast, I mean it was already closed by now. I checked the time right before I dashed out into the halls. It was 8:12. Gotta go fast, I thought.

I barely made it to the classroom before the loud bell rang throughout the school. I glance over at Draco to see him smirking at me. I glared at him and stuck out my tongue slightly. He shook his head, chuckled, and turned his attention to Blaise, who was sitting next to him. Hermione looked over me anxiously.

"Why are you so late? What happened? When did you wake up? Did Draco do something? Why weren't you at breakfast? Are you hungry? Did you even look at your hair?!" These were the only questions I could catch coming out of her mouth.

Pansy who was sitting in front of us, twirled around in her seat, chuckling. "Give him a break 'Mione"

Hermione blushed and sat back down. Pansy smiled. Then she looked at me and frowned. "But siriusly, Potter, did you even glance at your hair?"

I groaned. That's right. I forgot about my hair it was probably all over the place. I reached up my hand to touch it and tried to flatten it down, but it was no use.

Finally Prof. Gowen cleared her throat. "Settle down, everyone." Once everyone's focus was on her she smiled. "Today the staff decided to teach the patronus charm in class today. The thing is, I'm sure some, if not most of the students here know this already." She looked at me. "Mr. Potter."

"Yes?" I sat up straight.

"Would you mind demonstrating to the class this charm and how it works?" She asked with a kind gaze.

"Um, no not all." I stood up and went towards the top of the class. I sucked in a breath trying to locate a happy memory. My eyes landed on Draco. He was already staring at me with interest, I knew that he wanted to learn this charm and know what form his patronus took. I smiled and thoughts of when we shared our first kiss.

Smiling slightly to myself I firmly pointed my wand out and stated, "Expecto Patronum!"

From the tip of my wand came a silver light. The light took the form of a stag. Some of the class was filled with excited whispering. The stag then retreated to my wand. 

Prof. Gowen spoke up, "So, class, think of your happiest memory, focus on it, and, confidently, state the chant."

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as I realised I was supposed to also explain how it worked.

She continued, "Thank you, Mr. Potter. Now class I want you to get into partners and try it out with them. If you already know how to cast this charm look for someone who doesn't and needs help. Go off and work!''

I scanned the room and my eyes locked onto Draco. He was looking at me hopefully, practically bouncing in his chair. It was cute so I walked over to him.

Before I could even open my mouth he looked at me with huge eyes, "PLEAAAASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-"

"Yeah." His eyes sparkled. "But," He suddenly slumped and glared at me before I could continued. "You have to apologise."

"For what?" He batted his eyes innocently as I rolled my eyes. "You know what." "Ohhhhh THAT yeah about that... I sorta thought it would be funny..." 

He jumped up and pointed his want towards the ceiling, "Now teach me peasant!"

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. Of course only after making sure the teacher wasn't looking. "Okay okay okay, fine"

I came behind him and positioned his arm correctly. I could almost see his blush. I smirked. 

"Hey Harry?"


"What do you think my patronus is going to be?"

"Uh well I dunno probably something like a donkey." I chuckled. He wheeled around, "how dare you!" A laugh escaped my mouth. 

I turned sirius. "Well what do you think it's gonna be?"

He gazed up thoughtfully, "I thought it would be a peacock. I feel like it fits me."

I snorted, "Why? Because you have a pea sized cock?"

He slapped me and then ignored me for the rest of class so I went around giving tips to people who needed help.

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