-Underfell Sans (Sadist) X Reader Lime-

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~Underfell Sans (Sadist) X Reader Lime~

Y/N= Your Name

L/N= Last Name

N/N= Nickname

H/N= Hated Nickname

E/C= Eye Colour

H/C= Hair Colour

F/C= Favourite Colour

S/F/C= Second Favourite Colour

A/N= Author's Note

S/M/L= Small, Medium, Large


(A/N- Yeah, yeah I know it's a lemon book but I'm bored ok and for some reason this sounds like a good idea... so LIME TIME IT IS! \('>')/ btw dis be my first lime ever enjoy I guess? :3)


~Y/N's POV~

You had been wandering around in this snow coated land for a few days now after you had supposedly fallen into another au. As you had never been here before, the place was unrecognisable and you felt discomforted. It was out of place, you did your best to hideaway from the monsters roaming this place but the ones that did see you would pace glances. Some would ignore, some would stare. As no one here had ever approached you in an aggressive manner you had no fear to think so. There was still something about the stares, they made you feel watched even though you knew they weren't looking at you anymore. 

With your thoughts in mind, you come across and walk through a town. Identification of this place was plastered on a street sign to your left. 


The buildings didn't appear any more pleasant then the people. The town looked dark, even though it was the middle of the day. Rather then the windows of these buildings emitting a warm light, only a dim, grey light could be seen peeking through. It look as those who lived there were under someone's control. You had no evidence, you could just... feel it. It made your environment just that bit more eerie. You walked into a small building filled with supplies for the snowy conditions. You leave the shop with a comfortable, fluffy hoodie and a warm pair of wool lined pants and snow boots.

Now equipped with this new gear you decide to head away from Snowdin for a bit and into a forrest you had seen before. Not because the forrest had anything special about it, but because it looked like a place to escape, to be alone, to be... yourself for sometime.  By now it was already sunset, enphasising how bad of an idea being out this late actually was, you obviously ignored your surrounding situation and walked with your head down, one of your hands running along the trees as you walked by, the other in your hoodie pocket. You were relatively relaxed until a hand touches your right shoulder.

"Hey you human, what are you doing in a place like this... alone?"

You turned around and stared back at him and what he was wearing. He wore a suitable black leather jacket with a lot of spiky fluff around the collar, red undershirt and black shorts with a yellow stripe which matched with his shoes. He was a skeleton but you had to admit, he looked... unusual... somehow. 


"What is your name human?"

"Uhh, um... Y/N but you can call me N/N if you want, what's yours?"

He stares at you for a second before he gives his reply.

"You dare to ask me, Fell, what my name is... you dare to ask me questions? Don't you know who I am Y/N?"

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