-Nightmare Sans X Reader Lime-

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~Nightmare Sans X Reader Lime~

Y/N= Your Name

L/N= Last Name

N/N= Nickname

H/N= Hated Nickname

E/C= Eye Colour

H/C= Hair Colour

F/C= Favourite Colour

S/F/C= Second Favourite Colour

A/N= Author's Note

S/M/L= Small, Medium, Large


(A/N- just a warning or something but um lime is kinda another term used for um R A P E so if your uncomfortable with this kind of thing... just be cautious. Also I haven't got any requests and as any other human would be in this situation I'm bored so... HAVE A LIME OF A TIME /;—;)/


~Y/N's POV~

Making the usual trip back home again. It was already very late in the afternoon, night had fallen upon the sky and it was still surprisingly bright around the street here. You hadn't had much to do at all this week and it seemed just simply going home would give you something to do. You'd been out to catch up with friends but apart from that nothing much. Hands in your jumper pockets, you walk up towards your door. You hadn't shut it properly or locked it so you gave it a shove with your right shoulder and the door effortlessly fell open. You step inside and wipe the grit off your shoes before kicking them off and leaving them by the door. You hugged the jumper closer to you as you walked into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of (favorite hot beverage). It had been another frosty winters night, your body shaking from the cold. You put the cup to your lips and took a sip. Your body feeling warmer the more you took in. You breathed out a sigh of relief, now you could chill out.

"WhO's ThErE?"

A broken, distorted voice spoke out from upstairs somewhere towards your bedroom. You stood your ground and kept you mouth shut.

"i KnOw SoMeOnE's ThErE"

You now stood at the foot of the staircase, the voice getting closer.

"Uh... who... are you?"

A flash of a shadow was seen before you heard the distinct sound of lightbulbs bursting. Your entire house now left blacked out. Your ears ringing from the sudden loud sound. You felt fear creep up over you, but you remained determined.

"oH iT's A mErE hUmAn"

You took your hands out of your pockets and clenched them into a fist.

"Whatever you are, I will take you out"

Laughter could be heard, not from anywhere specific as it could be heard from everywhere, like the walls were speaking to you... like whatever it was... was in the walls.

"TaKe Me DoWn... Me... DoWn, HoW cOuLd YoU dO tHaT, yOu CaN't eVen ConTroL yOur fEar... YoUr FeAr is JuSt MaKiNg Me sTroNgEr HuMaN..."

Your knees were now shaking. You were trying to keep your mind off what could happen and on what is happening, but your body was trying to tell you something. Like to... run. You turned around and your eyes met with the front door.

"LeAvInG sO SoOn HuMaN..."

You ran straight for the door, your arms stretched out forwards. Just hoping you would grab hold of the doorknob, something... anything. Instead someone blocks your path. You fall backwards onto the ground as a black figure walks towards you. A blue glowing eye meets with yours.

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