Vinnie Vincent Oneshot #1

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Note: The reader is attending a birthday bash at S.I.R Studios. You and Vinnie had been close friends when he was the lead guitarist for the rock band KISS. Now, 21 years later, you finally get to reunite with Vinnie, and he has no idea that you were coming.
I walked into the building with several others who were attending the same event. My picture of me and Vinnie Vincent was tucked away safely in my pocket.

Lots of people who were also attending the event were full on shredders.

When a text appeared on somebody's phone, I got up and we all walked into a line in front of the door.

A loud noise was coming from inside.

The doors were opened and we all walked into the room.

It was dimly lit up and a bunch of colorful spotlights were hung up on the side.

We all burst into tears of joy and I was even more surprised at what I saw onstage.

There was Vinnie Vincent, going on full shred mode with his double v-shaped guitar.

He was swaying back and forth as he played just like he did in the 80's.

Me and everyone were cheering and whooping with excitement.

After about a good thirty minutes, Vinnie stopped playing his guitar and he began to greet the guests.

I was amazed at how much he had changed since I last him.

Vinnie had the biggest smile on his face and a lot of people gave him a hug.

We all chatted with Vinnie a lot and then when it was time to eat, I saw a whole long table of healthy looking food.

"I made it all by myself".

Vinnie said when someone asked him who brought the food in.


The person who had asked him the question said in an impression tone of voice.

"Yeah, since I didn't really trust someone else to do it, I wanted it be special for you guys to enjoy".

I found myself laughing at how sweet he was.

Vinnie had lost a lot of weight, and he was much more happy than he had ever been in a long time.

We all ate at least two plates of the food, and it was so good!

After that, it was time for the Q&A session.

We all gathered around the stage to listen to Vinnie.

Some lady had a piece of paper that had all the best questions on it.

But there were other people who asked different questions.

Like what his dogs's names were, and what his favorite music was to listen to.

And then, the DJ turned on the boom box to play some of the demos that Vinnie wrote.

He had a lot of stories to tell us.

I loved hearing his voice, it was really soothing to me.

When the time came to sign autographs, Vinnie was making sure that he got to spend time with everyone.

I was in a long line, but it was all worth it.

Soon, Vinnie took notice of me and then he asked if the guests would let me through.

They delightfully agreed and I walked over to the guitarist.

"I thought I recognized you".

Then came the greatest moment of all time.

I carefully pulled out the old photo of me and Vinnie from the when he was in KISS.

"Is that..."?

I almost blushed and then I giggled at his reaction.

"Yeah, that's us".

A few people were gathering around to have a quick look at the photo.

"Oh my god, it's been a really long time, hasn't it"?

Everyone smiled and some even secretly recorded a video of the happy reunion.

"Aw, come here Emily. I don't bite".

I laughed and then he wrapped his arms around me into the biggest hug we had ever given each other in years.

He smiled and pressed a little kiss to my cheek.

We both enjoyed hanging out together until it was around 1 a.m.

The manager of S.I.R Studios came in and told us that we had to start packing up and leave the building.

We all helped out by cleaning up the area and then everyone left for home.

I had a plane to catch to fly back to Kentucky.

Before I left, Vinnie went up to me.

He had forgotten to sign my photo of me and him during the KISS days.

Vinnie had a black Sharpie with him and then I handed him the photo.

"I love your signature".

I said and he smiled at me sweetly.

"Thank you so much for coming".

I laughed again.

"Did I surprise you"?

Vinnie smiled at me some more and I chuckled.

"You certainly did, sweetie".

I laughed a little bit sheepishly and he smiled at me again.

"I really missed you Vinnie".

I told him after he gave me back my photo.

"Aw, I missed you too, sweetie".

We both shared one last hug before Vinnie grabbed his stuff and blew me a kiss before walking away with a security guard following him.

I let out a sigh of happiness before I got a text on my phone.

It was my dad, telling me that my plane ride home should be here by now.

A woman who would be traveling with me back to Kentucky smiled as she waved at me.

I waved back at her with a warm smile.

As I began to put my photo back in my pocket, something that was hand written caught my attention.

I flipped the photo on its backside and it was from Vinnie.

And guess what it was?

It was his phone number.

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