Ch 8

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Ethan P.O.V.

"Noooooo don't tell him he's adopted, don't do it!!!" I scream at the giant screen as Chandler runs back to Monica. I swear to god if I could find the peanut butter to my jelly, he or she would have to deal with the same shit with me. I stand up to grab some popcorn when my eyes fall on the clock on the wall and I let out a loud scream running up the stairs.

"Mathew get ready we need to leave in 20 minutes" I yelled, stripping quickly as I jumped into the shower. I take a quick bath relaxing under the hot water for a few seconds before I realise my time crunch and lather on some soap. I wrap a towel around my waist as I pull up a hair dryer to dry my hair quickly. I shave my face to remove the tiny stubble growing in and then tap on some aftershave as I get dressed. I pull on a simple white button down and dress slacks and socks as I stuff my phone and wallet in my pocket and run downstairs. I step into my shoes and march out the front door and climb into my waiting car. I tell Mathew the address and he pulls out into the streets as I pull out my phone to make sure I look okay. Just as I am satisfied with staring at my own ugly mug I feel Mathew pull to a stop and notice that we had reached already. I took a deep breath preparing myself to tell him that we won't work out because ..... Because I didn't deserve him, because I was broken, because I was a butt virgin, because I was the lowest kind of human being alive. But I wouldn't tell him all these reasons, I knew how Doms feel about subs self deprecating and how that led to punishment and how he would just tell me that I was beautiful and not mean it, how he would say he'll stay forever and then not fulfill it, and most importantly how there would come a day when he'd say he loves me and then turn away. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Mathew calling my name, my eyes turn towards him and he pulls me into an awkward arm side hug as best as he can from the front seat. I let myself relax and promise myself that it'll be ok as I pull away.

"Let's grab dinner somewhere nearby, I won't be too long." I say strongly and he sighs but nods anyway. I finally get out of the car and head into the restaurant, my battle plan playing on repeat in my head and my lines at the tip of my tongue. As I walk to the front desk, the employee seems to recognize me immediately as he presses his lips together forcing down a squeal and I chuckle inwardly. He grabs a menu and leads me towards the right table and I look up to see Leslie waiting patiently for me to look him in the eye.

"Good evening, Mr. Jordan". I say as he stands up, extending his hand in greeting and I slide mine into his large hands. As soon as we touch my mind explodes into a slideshow of all our previous meetings and how beautiful he was and how hard it was for me to resist the urge to willingly submit myself to this man. Dammit I really don't need this amazing slideshow when I'm about to reject his overly generous offer.

He keeps his eyes trained on mine as he replies to my greeting and then gestures to my chair before sitting down himself as I slide into my seat. He looks down at the menu in his hand and I can't help but watch his every movement as I relentlessly over read his simple actions. He looks up suddenly as he catches me staring and gives me one of his panty dropping smiles that I'd slowly gotten addicted to. A busty waitress makes her way over to our table and her eyes sparkle in list as she looks over at his buff, gorgeous body. She pushes her fun bags towards his face and he spares her a minial glance before looking back at his menu. I have to bite my lip to hold back from laughing or worse saying something stupid and regretting it later. He looks up and orders the pasta carbonara as she looks over at me and I just order a water. He looks over and I can't help but look down at the white table cloth as the whore picks up the menu and walks away. I let out a sigh as I open my mouth to make my it's-me speech.

"I don't think it'll work" he says before I can get a letter out.

"Huh?!?" I react, shocked at the words that he just took out of my mouth. "Was that what you were gonna say?" He shoots the question quickly and I'm left blushing and speechless at the words. "How'd you know?" I frown, annoyed that I was so out of control of the situation.

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