𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭*

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tony stark x reader (smutty)
via seventven on tumblr

tony stark x reader (smutty)via seventven on tumblr

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"hey, tony. are you down here?"

the sound of y/n's voice bounced off of the concrete walls of tony's lab as she descended the spiral staircase a few minutes past midnight. the lights in the lab were left switched on so y/n assumed tony had to be down there, somewhere. it wasn't a surprise, really; tony loved tinkering with his projects and inventions in the dead of night and even though most of the time the noise of drills and saws was annoying when everyone was trying to sleep, at times like these it was actually quite comforting.

"i'm in here!" tony called back and y/n followed the sound of his voice until she found him sitting behind his desk, seemingly inputting some data into four computers at once. the sight was quite amusing and y/n found herself smiling upon hearing f.r.i.d.a.y. urging him to slow down or maybe take a break.

"try to lecture me one more time and i swear, i'll cut off your power supply," tony threatened and just like that, f.r.i.d.a.y. decided it might be best not to say another word.

"bickering with your own inventions? wow, tony. i think you might have hit rock bottom."

the brunette chuckled at her comment and lifted his gaze as she walked around his desk and quietly slid onto it. she situated herself in front of one of the screens, her feet dangling above the tiled floor.

"what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in bed?" tony asked out of plain curiosity and smiled when y/n reached for his steaming mug of coffee and took a tiny sip.

"couldn't sleep," she answered simply and closed her eyes, feeling the pleasant warmth of tony's coffee warming up her insides. it was pretty damn cold in his lab and all she was wearing was an oversized t-shirt and some fuzzy socks.

"is there something on your mind? you never wander around the place at night," tony observed and y/n chuckled quietly.

"i do, actually." she took another sip and placed the mug in her lap. "i just never wander near your lab or bedroom. i've had trouble sleeping a lot the last few months."

tony tore his gaze away from the screen of his computer and looked at her with mild concern in his eyes. he knew how horrible it was to not be able to fall asleep, even when you were dead tired. the idea of y/n struggling with the same sleeping problem as him didn't in the least bit thrill him.

"are you sure you're alright?"

"yeah, i'm fine," she told him with a small smile, then decided to change the topic. "do you happen to have a blanket lying around here somewhere? i'm gonna freeze to death."

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