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I woke up lying on my side to find that Peter was no longer in his original position on the couch.

I groggily lifted my upper body and checked my phone.

It was 10 am. Looking to my side, I saw a note on the coffee table.

At Granny's with the others. You looked too peaceful to wake up. ;)


I smiled, he was so cute sometimes.

Since I was alone, I decided to borrow Mary Margaret's bathroom, towel, and toothpaste.

Yes, I know that it was rude of me. But I had no other choice, it was either that or a garden hose. And there's no way I'm showering in somebody's garden.


I made it at Granny's after an hour and spotted Peter's brown hair behind one of the couches. Making my way over to him, I saw that he was with Henry. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed and took a sip of his hot cocoa. 

"Hey, Henry." I ruffled his hair. 

"You're not going to say hi to me?" Peter pouted, looking up at me with his sparkly green eyes. 

"Good morning to you too, Peter." I quickly pecked him on the nose, Henry didn't even notice.

He moved to make space for me and plumped down onto the soft cushion. 

"Where's Mary Margaret and the others?" I asked Peter as he took a bite of his sandwich. 

"Went to have a conversation with this weird blonde lady who couldn't keep her hands off Mary Margaret's tummy." He offered me a fry. 

"Tummy?" I trapped the fry in between my teeth. 

"Y'know, where Neal Jr. is." 



I immediately whipped my head to the side to find my mom staring right at me. She was in her usual black clothes and her eyes were starting to get red. 

"Mom..." I murmured. 

Suddenly standing up, I rushed up to her and enclosed her in a tight embrace. I was never letting her go again. 

"Mom, I missed you so much." I felt myself on the brink to tears. 

"I did too, (Y/N)."

"Mom?" A confused voice suddenly spoke. 

I turned around, rubbing the tears from my eyes and found Henry giving me a puzzled and slightly suspicious look. 

"Henry, uh, finish your meal and I'll take you somewhere." Peter interrupted. He gave me a worried glance before turning his full attention to my brother. 

"What's wrong with your brother?" My mom asked. 

"He hasn't gotten his memories back yet." I explained. 

She looked saddened all of a sudden, and her lower lip started to quiver. 

"Mom, it's okay. He won't be like that for long." I assured her. 

"You're right. You're right." She seemed to be talking to herself rather than to me though. "I should go, I still need to run some errands. See you soon, (Y/N)."

"Bye, Mom." 

She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left. 

An arm snaked around my waist and pulled my towards its source. Peter.

"Where's Henry?" I muttered, my hands running up and down his arm. 

"He went to use the restroom." Peter buried his face into my hair. "That's her."

His statement made me advert my attention to the door which opened with a ding. A gorgeous woman dressed in all black, with golden brown locks, and a mysterious green pendant pinned to her scarf entered. 

She was beautiful, but there was something about her that was slightly mysterious and...wicked.

"The blonde who couldn't keep her hands off of Mary Margaret's tummy?" I assumed. 

Peter hummed in response. 

"She gives me a weird vibe." I told him. 

"Same." He finally pulled away. "Her name's Zeleana, I've heard her name before, just can't remember when."

I was about to question when I remembered I was dating a thousand year old boy. So nevermind. 

"Well, you know the drill." Peter turned me to face him. "I keep you from anything that's dangerous and you stay pretty, okay?" 

I giggled.

"Hey, Peter, are we still going?" 

We turned and found Henry standing behind us, hands in his pockets, while waiting for an answer. 

"New plan, (Y/N)'s coming with us." Peter clapped his hands together like a proud mother. 

"wHaT?" I stared at him confused. "I have to do things."

I didn't really have anything to do but I was just so lazy. Well, maybe I did. Like be a good girl and investigate on this Zeleana person.

He managed a fake laugh, but his eyes were glaring at me. "No you don't."

I was beyond terrified. "No I don't." I squeaked. 

"Good." He smiled and patted my head. "Let's go to the park!"

Peter laughed uncontrollably like a kid and made his way for the diner's exit.

Henry and I exchanged a confused glance before heading out after him.

These days, I just question why he's a thousand years old and still act like he's five. These days, I just question why he's still so cute like that. These days, I just question why the hell am I still dating him.

This chapter is so short, but I'm still glad I updated. *dances like Snoopy*

I must've inhaled crack by accident cuz I feel so high. 

Please ignore what I just said. I hope you guys liked this chapter even if it took me forever to upload. ILY <3<3<3<3<3


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