Just You and Me

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After a trip to the ice cream shop and Mr. Gold's pawnshop, we headed back to Granny's Diner.

"That's the third fry you've stolen from me," Peter complained. "You said you weren't hungry."

"I'm not." I took a bite, my action contradicting my previous statement.

Peter rolled his eyes and dumped all his fries into my open palm.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, getting irritated that such precious potatoes were mercilessly falling to the ground.

Henry sat across from us, quietly drinking his hot cocoa and eyeing us suspiciously.

But I was too busy enjoying the stolen fries to even care less.

We ate and when Emma, my mom, and Mary Margaret suddenly came in, Peter excused himself to talk to them.

So it was just me and Henry, sitting across from each other, eating awkwardly.

He sipped his drink and ate his food, completely oblivious to the fact that I was staring right at him.

But I knew better than to underestimate his lack of alertness. I could see the gears turning in his mind, working out something.

Henry may be my stepbrother, but I knew him like we were of the same blood. And if he suddenly becomes quiet, I know that he's thinking of something.

Peter came back minutes later and he resumed attaching his food.

"So what'd you guys talk about?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh, um," he stared at me. I knew he was thinking of an excuse. "Nothing important."

It's honestly terrifying at times how I can easily tell that someone's lying to my face.

"Let's eat." Peter suddenly became interested in the half-eaten plate of eggs sitting in front of him.

"Okay..." I shrugged, eyeing him carefully as I finished the fries and drank water.


We were back at Mary Margaret's place. I was on the couch, Peter lay on the floor beside me. 

I still couldn't stop thinking about his suspicious behavior from earlier. The thought was tugging at the back of my mind and it wouldn't let me sleep (probably because it was still 9 but let's not focus on that). 

"Peter, I have a question." I found the guts to speak.

He hummed in response, looking into my eyes. 

"Earlier, at Granny's Diner-" I began. 

"You want to know what I talked about with Emma, Mary Margaret, and your mom right?" He said. 


"I told them about my-sorry, our suspicions, about Zeleana," Peter explained. "And I may have suggested something that depending on how you'd react may or may not get me killed.

"Just tell me already," I was getting impatient. 

"I suggested that we should move to Neverland for the meantime, just you and me." He blurted out. 

I was lost for words. I suddenly couldn't say anything. It was like my mind had exploded inside my head and all the little pieces were scattered all over the place, making it hard to think. 

"And just staying there until further information about Zeleana's behavior," Peter added after noticing that I've suddenly become silent. 

"Just you...and me..." I blinked. "On Neverland..."

"Yes." He replied nervously. "Only if it's okay with you." 

I didn't want to go back to that place. I had a lot of bad memories of that place. 

"I know it isn't the first thing you'd turn to at a time like this," he sighed, "it isn't mine either. But it's the only place I know like the back of my hand."

I understood what he meant. Neverland was the only place where he felt powerful. He didn't need to tell me that he wanted to be on Neverland where he could be certain that I'm safe. 

"This time it'll be just you, me, and the island." He tried to convince me. 

I have to admit, what he was offering really was tempting. But then, I remembered Henry. 

He wouldn't be safe here, but we wouldn't be able to take him either. We can't just suddenly expose him to the world of magic by knocking on his door and inviting him to come to Neverland with us. 

"I'll think about it," I told him. "Tomorrow, I'll let you know."

"Thanks." He grinned. Standing on his knees, Peter leaned over and pecked my forehead. "Goodnight, my little Lost Girl."

I closed my eyes when he came into contact with my skin and started stroking my hair. Opening them up again, he was already lying on the ground, under the covers, his back facing me. 

That was fast.

I decided to get some rest of my own, Peter's suggestion still lingering in my mind. I mean, going to Neverland may not be such a bad thing if it's only the two of us on the island.

Making up my mind, I was finally allowed to sleep. 

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