Say Ah~

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The next morning, I woke up the have a pair of forest green eyes staring into mine.

Not only that, I also woke up to a bad case of morning breath.

"Peter, brush....teeth..." I coughed at his face on purpose and pinched my nose.

He laughed and pulled away.

"It was supposed to be romantic." He whined.

"Brush your teeth first and we can do a retake." I rolled my eyes.

Peter flicked his hand and a toothbrush appeared out of thin air. He started to brush his teeth right in front of me.

When he was finished, he spit his saliva into a cup that also appeared out of nowhere. After that, he thankfully didn't put his face all up on mine.

"So have you made your mind?" Peter hurried himself under the covers.

"Yeah, I kinda have." I lay on my side to see him better.

"And...?" He eagerly waited for my reply, his eyes screaming with hope of the possibility that I'd say yes.

And I did.

"Really?" He excitedly asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." I lay on my back, placing my hands behind my head in a relaxing position.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Hehe exclaimed like a little boy and hugged me tight.

"Squeezing...too...much...ack!" I coughed. "Air....!"

"Sorry." He simply said a lossened his grip without pulling away. "Thank you for doing this for me."

"Anything for my...." I went silent. I realized that I've never given him a single nickname despite all the ones he'd given me. I had no choice but to say the first thing that came into mind: "Frying pan?"

"Good enough." I could hear him smile.

Like that was possible. Let's just pretend that it is.

I was glad that he was too happy at the moment to even care what I called him. I hugged him back and finally got him to pull away.

"So when do we leave?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far." Peter replied sheepishly. "We can talk about it if you'd like."

I felt my stomach rumble. My mind went on autopilot: You can't think without food.

"Screw you, I'm hungry." I stood up. "Let's talk about it over breakfast."

"I thought you'd never ask." He chuckled and followed.

Snapping my fingers, my clothes changed and my hair was in a ponytail the minute j stepped out the door. Ah, the beauty of magic.

Although, it was probably the most cringey way to ever change clothes and I made a mental note to never do it again unless necessary.

As usual, we headed towards Granny's and ate our breakfast there. Henry wasn't with us, and that was a relief.

It's nice to know that someone isn't watching you and being suspicious 24/7.

No, correction. 25/8.

As I ate my eggs, Peter played with his food. Like any normal seven-year-old boy would do.

Imitating Master Chef, he literally made a house of bacon. Don't even think about asking me how he made it stick.

The chimney was freaking smoking and the made an outdoor pool with the egg yolk. The egg white, he used was a backyard.

He cut the bread into little pieces and formed a twelve-member family.

When he was done, he put his masterpiece to the side and watched me eat.

"You're starting to creep me out," I told him, chewing. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" Peter asked innocently.

"Stop staring." I swallowed and attacked the sausages with my fork.

"But I'm feeding my eyes." He smiled.

"Look at something else." I told him and put the sausage in my mouth.

"But they only have an appetite for you." He pouted.

"I don't care. Just take a photo or something."

"I don't have a phone."

"You're hopeless."

"That's why you're my hope."

"You know what, just pretend we weren't even talking." I continued stuffing my mouth.

"Cute." He laughed and poked my cheek.

"So, about the Neverland thing." I said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I've decided to ask your mom if she'd let you go and when." Peter replied. "She seems to always have a say in everything, anyway."

I nodded and stared down at my empty plate. Then I found myself eyeing his food. "Are you going to eat that?"

"Here." He pushed the plate towards me.

Then something must've changed his mind because he pulled it back towards him.

I glared at him.

Laughing at my reaction, he took his eating utensils and began cutting the bacon, and sticking it on the fork.

He poked my closed lips with it. "Say ah~"

Yes. Update mehn. Thanks for readingggg hope y'all liked it! Although, this is the type of bullcrap I write when I force myself to.

Please vote and comment what you think of all the mushy mushy moments and stuff. Do you guys like the fact that Peter and Y/N are able to get some rest?? Or would y'all like some more adventure hahaha

Ily see you in the next chapter!


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