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We turned to find a small group of boys and girls alike. The oldest couldn't have been more than twelve.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Peter snapped at the children.

I held his arm back. "They're kids, what the hell are you doing?"

"They're on my island!" He whined.

I almost forgot that he was technically a kid too. A girl with a scar running down the side of her face stepped out. She reminded me a lot of Felix.

"Let me brief you." She said in an unfriendly tone, her hand gripping around the spear she was holding. "After you're sister died, her realm did too, leaving us nowhere else to go but here."

Her dirty blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun, lightning blue eyes piercing into my soul. She definitely didn't look friendly.

Very very Felix.

"You can't just trespass my territory!" Peter crossed his arms.

"Then find us another place to live in, otherwise, we stay here." Blondie snapped and turned to leave.

Peter huffed and raised his hands, a green glow beginning to appear. Wait.

"Peter, no!" I screamed a little louder than I should have. But I was a second too late, a beam of green magic flew from his palms and towards the small tribe.

On instinct, I interrupted it with my own magic. A loud sound of the two beams hitting each other sounded, very similar to a lightsaber.

The two beams curled around each other, turning pink then detoured and shot towards the sky.

A loud boom followed short after. Then the bright blue sky turned fricking PURPLE. The sun doubled itself and there were stars in the sky.

My eyes grew wide.

"What the hell..." I mumbled in astonishment.

"Why did you do that?" Peter asked, clearly annoyed.

I looked back at him and pointed at the children. "Why did you do that?"

He didn't have a response and looked back up at the sky. I saw him scrunch his eyebrows and look back down, sighing and pinching his nose bridge.

"I need a moment with myself." Peter sat on the sand, not even bothering to know my response.

I turned to the kids and motioned for them to follow me. Walking through the woods, I didn't dare look back and see what Peter was up to.

Remembering the way as much as I can, I led in deeper and all the way to the familiar clearing.

Pan's Camp.

But it looked different. And that tells me this tribe found this place, which means they've been here for awhile.

"Looks like you know your way around well." The Blondie complimented me and sat down at the foot of the tree.

"What's your name?" I sat down on a log and used my magic for a fire.

"Chase." She murmured, like she was embarrassed by it.

Deciding not to pay attention to her attitude, I made a slice of bread appear and started eating.

Peter suddenly appeared beside me, taking my bread and eating it.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

He chewed in response, staring at me. Rolling my eyes, I asked: "So, why is the sky purple?"

Peter shrugged and kept eating. "It's just a temporary phase, it'll be gone tomorrow."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"So what are we going to do with the kids?" I said in the lowest tone possible, to keep myself from being heard.

"I guess they're staying." He licked his fingers. "I'd like to have something to remind me of Piper, and I'm also too lazy to find them a new home."

I giggled at his last statement.

"Want to go to Mermaid Lagoon?" He asked, out of the blue.

"Yeah, sure." I replied softly.

"We leave the kids here, let's go!" Peter stood up immediately like an excited child and grabbed my hand.

We shot into the purple sky.


Landing by the famous site, I watched the mermaid bathing under waterfalls and diving over rocks.


One mermaid came up to us and handed me a sea shell. However, right when I extended my arm, the mermaid grabbed it and pulled me into the water.

She did it in a playful way though. As soon as my head rose above the surface, I heard Peter laughing then a splash of water.

I rubbed my eyes and saw that he had jumped in.

He pulled me by my ankle, driving me deeper into the water where he held me in his embrace like he wanted me to drown with him.

We just spent the rest of the day playing in the water and I didn't care about any time wasted because it's Neverland.

This is probably my last update for this book because I'm running out of motivation and I'm really glad about where Y/N and Peter are now.

So in case I might update again or put this book to a stop, please stay tuned for the next chapters.

Hope you enjoyed reading!


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