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Yesterday was so much fun ! I actually enjoyed myself with Lucas. He bought me a book and two movies, although I refused, he stuck them in my purse.
Seeing Clay yesterday made me mad. Why was he there? He doesn't seem like the type to read. But, never judge a book by it's cover. Never.
But, I think my assumption was correct.
"Adalyn, are you ready for church!" my mom yells. I stand up from my bed and slip my feet into black flats.
"Yes ma'am, I'm coming downstairs now!" I tell back and hurry my way to the bottom of the staircase.
I shove my phone into my back pocket and pick up my bible. I haven't been to church in a while. Hannah and Gregg didn't really like it, but I still owned a bible. I don't think they even believed...
Anyway, I followed my mom to her truck and scooted in.
"Adalyn, why aren't you wearing a dress?" Chandler asks.
I shrug my shoulders and scroll through Instagram like it's the morning newspaper. Can't forget twitter or snapchat, either.
"Momma, how far away is the church?" I ask. She tells me about ten minutes, and her estimation is correct.
Ten minutes later we were walking into a church. This is all so different. What if people ask me questions about the bible ? I've never been to church , actually. Where did I even get my bible from ?
"Adalyn, this is Mrs.Looden, your Sunday school teacher," she pointed to a middle aged lady. I smile at her and sit down among the other teenage girls. So I'm being separated from Chandler and Alexander ? Great.
My mom walked out of the room with the boys and our little lesson started.
"Adalyn, do you know who wrote the book 1 Corinthians?" she asks. I freeze and shake my head. Why would they ask me something like this. I know nothing about the bible. The other girls snicker before one of them raises her hand, who I recognize to be Victoria, or Vicki. Whatever she likes to be called.
I zone out and wait for class to be over.
"Adalyn, would you like to pray?" he asks me . Can't she notice that I'm uncomfortable?
I shake my head once again and Vicki ends up praying. This is all so weird to me. I wonder if Lucas is here.
Sunday school ends and all ten of us teenagers file out the room to go to the church. We were in the gym.
How am I supposed to find my mom? Or Chandler and Alexander. This is a pretty huge church.
"Hey, Adalyn," I hear Lucas' familiar voice.
I turn around and I'm relived that he's here. He gives me a short side hug and leads me to where he's sitting. Right by Victoria. It looks like all the youth are sitting together.
Mom: where are you ?
Me: I'm sitting by Lucas in the front by all the youth.
"Don't you know not to text during church?" Victoria sneers and removes my phone from my hands.
"I was texting my mom," I snatch it and shove it in my boob. She better not reach there.
"Chill, Vicki," Lucas laughs and whispers something into her ear. Did a pang of jealousy just go through me ?
I lean back into my seat and worship begins. I think it's called worship. Ya know, when they start singing.
"You're supposed to sing, too," Victoria jabs my side. I ignore her and continue to smile and listen to the music. This band is really good.
Lucas laughs at us and it kind of hurt that he isn't really sticking up for me.
After church, we all meet up for lunch at KFC. Can you believe they don't have Rasing Canes? I'm basically dying. Can someone ship their chicken, lemonade, and sauce over here to me. It's amazeballs.
"How did you like church, Adalyn," dad asks me.
"It was great," I lie and eat some of my chicken.
"I've made some really great friends," Alexander boasts and takes a sip of his root beer.
"The youth is having a Fourth of July party this Friday, y'all should go," mom tells us. Maybe I can hang out with Lucas. Or ask Brennin to come.
"Sounds fun!" Chandler smiles and continues to eat. Am I the only one who didn't really like church? Maybe it's because of Victoria. I should really ignore her.
When we arrived home after eating, I changed into pajamas and logged into my laptop to watch netflix. I wonder if anything is good on here. Mom recently got an account for each of us. Well, it's all the same account, it's just separated for each of us. Does that even make sense?
Great, now we have family game night. It would be better without Clay. But, oh well.
Time to get ready for a couple of aggravating hours with Clay Ryan LaBrant.

GUIYS HAY. I'm just in an updating mood. So, two updates in a day.

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