♡chapter nine♡

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Emma's p.o.v.
i wake up the next morning to a sleeping Jack. i smile at the sight, before I get out of bed. i walk downstairs and no ones down there.
i walk into the kitchen to find that no one is here either.
i decide to grab some donuts for everyone one, before i leave, i grab a pen & paper to write Melissa a note saying not to worry about breakfast.
i grab my keys and head to the nearest Shipley's.
when i walk in, I'm immediately hit with the scent of donuts.
i order 3 dozen donuts of all different flavors, mostly chocolate, glazed and some red-iced, those are my favorite. and i get 5 dozen donut holes. the man looks at me like I'm crazy, ordering all this food, i quickly reassure him i have other people to feed. he nods and i pay.
when i walk in, Melissa and David are sitting at the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. from what i can hear, they're flirting. i smile, and decide to make my presence known.
"good morning, mom & dad." i laugh a little and set the donuts down.
"good morning, sweetheart. thank you for getting breakfast, the boys will be so happy you got donuts!" Melissa smiles, getting up to wake the boys.
"good morning, how'd you sleep?" David asks, taking a sip from his coffee.
"good, good. i was exhausted. how about you?"
"pretty good. I've been having trouble sleeping because I'm so excited for this wedding!" he looks up at me with a large smile.
"i know, i am too. I'm glad I'm marrying Jack, i love him so much." i blush, looking down at my fingers.
"I'm glad, and i know he loves you too. you know, after Kathryn died, Jack has really needed someone like you in his life. she was his main influence." {Kathryn is jacks mom. idk if it's his real mom, but just go with it.}
"i know, it was hard on him, he was so young. he didn't understand what was going on, neither of us did."
he just nods, and gets up. he walks away, and i can't help but smile, I'm so happy with what i have. i mean, sure I'd love to have my best friend here to see me. sure I'd love to have my biological father walk me down the isle, but i love these people so much.
my thoughts get interrupted by a stampede of boys running down the stairs.
"DONUTS" i hear Matthew screaming.
i giggle and step back, letting the boys devour their food.
a shower of hugs and "thank you"'s come my way. by the time the boys are done, there's 6 red-iced, 3 chocolate, 4 glazed & 10 donuts holes. David takes 1 red, a chocolate and a glazed, Melissa takes 2 red, a glazed & 4 donut holes, leaving me with, 3 red, 2 chocolate, 2 glazed and 7 donut holes. i end up eating 2 red, a chocolate, a glazed and the donut holes.
Cameron's p.o.v.
we've all been sitting on the couch for hours now, talking, laughing & joking around. Melissa & David went shopping, and we didn't feel like going.
"I'm going to hang out with Luke, I'll see you guys later!" Audrey states, jumping off the couch. i lean in for a kiss, but she turns so i kiss her cheek. i feel my cheeks get hot as she walks away, everyone else just sits in the room, awkwardly.
the door closes, and i let out a deep breath.
"dude, what the hell? she just went to hang out with another guy, and she rejected your kiss." Matthew chuckles.
"really fuckin funny, Matt." i feel my eyes start to tear up.
"oh hell no, Hayes lets go." emma gets up, and pulls Hayes towards the door.
"Emma! wait, where are you going?"
"to kick some ass." she slams the door and we all sit, once again, in silence.
"I'm sorry, Cameron, i was outta line" Matthew looks up at me.
"it's fine, emma will fix it. I'm gonna go take a nap." i trudge upstairs, crawling into bed.
i feel myself getting more and more restless, i can't stop thinking about this.
is she gonna break up with me? no. that's ridiculous.
i finally drift off and fall into a deep sleep, waiting for my sister to return.

Audrey's p.o.v.

i leave our house & head for the 5SOS house.
when i arrive, i knock on the door & Luke answers.
"hi lukey." he smiles at me, then leaning in and kissing my lips.
"hi boys" i wave at the other boys who are in the kitchen, me and Luke walk into his room, laying on his bed. he intertwined his fingers with mine and we lay in silence. he rolls over looking at me, leaving our fingers intertwined, "you're beautiful" he leans in, kissing me passionately. i can't get enough of this boy.

Emma's p.o.v.
we arrive at their house and we park about 4 houses down, i pull out my phone and call Calum.

"hey" he answers
"what's going on?"
"they're in Luke's room."
"fuck. get pictures and text me them"
"kk, I'll text you."
"thanks, bye"

Hayes and i sit in silence for about 5 minutes until my phone goes off. I feel my heart start pounding as I look at the name "Calum". I pick up the phone, opening the message. I see three pictures, in all Luke and Audrey are making out. I lock my phone, anger building up inside, I text him back, telling him I'm coming in, ignoring him telling me not to.
I storm through the door, looking in every room until I see luke and Audrey
"really Audrey?! you're such a whore. 4 goddamn years, to have it all thrown away. don't even bother coming home, were changing the locks and moving all your shit out." I hiss, looking at her with anger.
"emma, I'm sorry, please. it was a mistake." she pleads
"whatever, Audrey. i told you at the carnival, i didn't like the way you were flirting with Luke. now this? I'm done." I walk away, towards the car, "we're going to Home Depot, Hayes." I slam the door, leaving the house, not even regretting a thing.

short update?😁

im not updating until this chapter gets 5 votes😏

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