♡chapter fourteen♡

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Emma's p.o.v.

"...i loved you, then you go and fuck with my emotions." my eyes scan his body, i finally look up at him, then Johnson and Nash, "excuse me" i leave the room, walking to mine and jacks room. as im walking out, i hear Jack yelling, then a loud crash, yelling again followed by yet another loud crash.
i sit myself on the bed, looking down at my fingers that are playing with the ends of my hair and the hem of my shirt. the sound of door opening makes me look up, Jack. "emma, please baby, talk to me" i look him up and down, his knuckles are bleeding, his eyes are bloodshot and puffy, and his cheeks are pink. "sit down, i wanna clean you up then we'll talk. ok?" i stand up, making my way towards the bathroom. i collect a towel and things to clean his knuckles.
"okay, bugs, this is going to hurt a bit" i sit down so close to him that im nearly on his lap, a large smile grows on his face, "what?" i look up at him. "you called me bugs, you still love me..." his smile sort of fades, "Jack...of course i do" i finish cleaning his knuckles and stand up, "im going to get us some water, alright?" he nods and i head down stairs to get some water.
i stand at the fridge filling the cups with ice and water, making my way up the stairs and into my room. when i open the door, i find Jack looking through his drawers shirtless. i find myself staring at his bare back. he turns around and i sit on the bed, looking up at him, "let's talk" he nods, pulling a shirt on and sitting next to me.
"are you cheating..." i feel my throat tightening, "no, i swear emma, im not. i didn't even know Leigh was here." i take a long breath, "you're lying. why are you lying?! Jack, this isn't what our relationship is!" i stand up, looking down at him, he stands up towering over me, "lying?! you think I'm lying?! you're right, i was! maybe we shouldn't even get married!" he screams at me, his face getting red. "wow." i turn around and run down the stairs, grabbing my keys and shoes, getting in my car and driving far away.

Gilinsky's p.o.v.

when emma left i felt horrible, i picked up my phone and called her. straight to voice mail, i called again, no answer. i called her at lease 100 times and she didn't answer, i sent 56 texts and left 48 voice mails. i know i took it too far this time.
i walk downstairs only to see that her car is gone, my heart start pounding and i start to freak out. "Boys! boys!!" i yell for the boys and they all come running down, "what?!" johnson snaps, looking at me with wide eyes, "emma...she's gone! we um, had a fight and she left, she won't answer my calls nor my texts." Cameron's eyes turn to fury as he looks at me, "what did you say to her?" his fist clench and he's jaw tightens, i tell them everything from her cleaning me up, to me yelling at her. "you told her you don't want to marry her?!" Cameron gets closer to me, i cower away, backing into the door, "yes, but i didn't mean it! she accused me of cheating!!" i turn around grabbing my keys and hop into my jeep. i see all three boys walk out of the house and come towards my car, "we're helping." Nash states, jumping into the back with Cameron, leaving Johnson up front with me.
we've been driving for hours and still nothing, she's not answering anyone's phone calls or texts. i pull over and turn the car off. "Jack, what's wrong?" Johnson says, looking at me. before i can answer him i start crying, i put my head down on the steering wheel, sobbing. "this is my fault" i get out in between sobs, i slam my head into the steering wheel a few times before collecting myself. "what do we do?" i look back at Cam & Nash waiting for an answer. "i don't know, we'll just wait it out i guess, she'll come home eventually" Cameron says, looking out the window.
we arrive back at home and i head straight for our room, i lay down in bed, closing my eyes hoping to get some sleep.

Johnson's p.o.v.

we arrive back home, without finding emma. we trudge upstairs and everyone goes into separate rooms. i sit on my bed, staring at my laptop screen.
i sit like there, watching videos and looking at pictures on my laptop, for almost 4 hours, when i look at the time, it's nearly 2 am. i close my computer and lay down, trying to fall asleep. i toss and turn, and the sound of the door opening, causes me to sit up in my bed. i hear small feet pattering up the stairs and stopping somewhere outside my room. my door opens, i see Emma's small silhouette in the doorframe, followed by a matching voice, "J?" her whispering voice makes me smile a bit.
"emma? come here." she shuts the door and i hear her feet walking to my bed, and i feel her crawling on the bed. i hear her start to sniffle and i pull her close.
"what's wrong?" i ask after a few minutes of listening to emma cry, trying to keep quiet. "it hurts so much, J. i love him so much." her voice is quivering, so i pull her a bit closer. "let's go to bed, you know the boys and i leave tomorrow for our little vacation. you sure you don't want to come?" i ask, before letting her go and laying back down, "yeah, i don't want to." she lays down beside me, and i slowly drift off.

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