Jim picked me up for school in his old, beat up SUV at around 7:30. We walked into school together just like we always did, but today it felt different. I mean, the spring prom was coming up, but we'd made plans to attend months ago. He grabbed my hand as we were walking (WHICH HE NEVER DOES DUE TO FEAR OF BEING MADE FUN OF BY HIS FELLOW ATHLETES) and he even kissed my forehead before he left to go to first period.
***. ***. ***.
"I started watching American Horror Story again yesterday. You know, I never really know how you can get through it, Annie." Laura was the biggest hypochondriac there ever was, but you couldn't help but love her. She didn't like scary television shows or scary movies. Hell, the girl didn't even like having fun. But she was one hell of a talker. "I mean, I had to look away when the clown turned a corner. I couldn't tell if he was going to kill someone or give them a little show. How about you, Anna? What did you do yesterday?"
"Oh, you know. Ate McDonald's. Went to work. Took a shit. The usual."
"ANNA! YOU'RE SO DISGUSTING, YOU DON'T JUST SAY 'TAKE A SHIT' IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!" Laura always yelled about Anna, telling her to either "shut up" or "stop it."
I zoned out as soon as Laura started talking. I wasn't interested in any television program at the moment. I was too busy thinking about Jim. Why had he held my hand? Was it a spur of the moment thing? We'd been dating again for almost three months, but he never had the courage to be affectionate in public. Yes, we'd kissed, but there was never any P. D. A.. Jim always said that it would ruin his athletic career if he got written up for something as little as P. D. A., which brought us to the conclusion to never touch in public. "What do you think Annie?" Laura's voice filled my ears.
"What do you think about me getting a perm? I think it'll be so cute! All the curls and waves. Maybe I'll even dye it or maybe I could get one of those Brazilian things or maybe I could just keep my own color and ..."
I guess I just kept zoning out because that was all that I remembered from that conversation that day.
Being concerned over my boyfriend kind of sucked because all I would care about the entire day was his well being. I mean, I loved talking about Jim and thinking about him, but when it was only because he was acting weird, it was exhausting.
The only reason why I get so concerned over Jim is because the last time he acted like this was when he had something awful/great to tell me- he was getting a full scholarship to Virginia University for college.
It was a blessing and a curse, and yes, I was happy for him when he got it, but I also wanted him to stay with me.
I didn't tell him that, of course. I never told him things like that.
Anyway, I pondered about his actions the entire day until I saw him in 7th period, the only class we had together.
"Why'd you hold my hand today, Jim?"
"I always hold your hand."
"Not walking into school. What's the sudden urge to show me off?" I joked.
"Nothing, I just really think you deserve to be shown off. After all, the prom is in two weeks, and I have to let all of the other ladies know that I'm taken."
I laughed, and was suddenly enlightened. Being excited about prom was the best thing a girl could ever hear from her boyfriend. It meant that he was planning something really special for you.
Most of the guys' "special plans" are getting a hotel room, banging their dates, and then leaving them out in the cold the next day. Jim wasn't like that though. He wasn't a holy roller, but he knew what he wanted. He wanted an easy ride for his senior year. He didn't want any kid, or me, getting in the way. So, we kept it strictly to either making out or kissing in private locations or just cute hand gestures in public. We didn't even have cute nicknames. Not that I had ever thought of doing it with Jim, I hadn't particularly liked the whole idea of losing my "virginity" to someone that I couldn't tell if I was in love with or not. It's alright though, because Jim felt the same way.
"You look beautiful today."
I finally came back into reality.
"You're too sweet. But thank you." I smiled, but quickly looked away. I knew that he had something up his sleeve for prom, and maybe that's why he's acting so different. I don't know. Maybe I'm just overreacting.
The bell for class to end rang, which meant that Jim and I would have to separate again. He squeezed my hand, but before I could turn away, he pulled me in by my waist and kissed me hard.
Obviously, it took my by surprise. I felt my face get red and hot as I opened my eyes and saw people staring. He let go of my waist, smiled, and said "I'll see you later, Sweet Pea."
Sweet Pea? What the fuck was that?

Teen FictionAnnie Darringer's life was really going for her. She had amazing grades, which would get her a full scholarship to Harvard University, a stellar athlete of a boyfriend, all of her friends, schoolmates, and family loved her, and she won prom queen. H...