Chapter 15

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2:34 a. m.
November 29, 2007
It was still dark outside when I woke up from my long-needed slumber. Jim's arms were still around my waist, though I don't know how he managed to hold onto me for that long. He must have missed me being close to him.
I didn't want to move too much because, although Jim worked with my kidnapper and raped me, I still didn't want him to loosen his grip on my waist. I missed the way he used to hold me when I was sad or angry at him. I missed the way he'd trick me into a kiss whenever I tried to walk away from him during an argument. He was just a great boyfriend-- you know, until he raped me against my will.
Robert hadn't entered my room all night, which I'm supposing is a good sign. Last time I heard from him was two days ago, Monday to be exact. He told me that my high school had called our house and was wondering where the hell I was and why I hadn't been attending. My answer would have been the obvious, "Well, I've been held captive for two months in my basement with barely any food or water. Also, my boyfriend had sex with me, got me pregnant, and oh, did I forget to mention that the person holding me captive was supposed to be my father? Yeah, incredible right?" But, Robert's response was that I was on a trip to go see my grandmother in Alabama, and that he didn't know when I would be back because apparently, my grandmother was very ill and needed my help around the house, cleaning, bathing, etc. I guess they bought it, unless they're going to send the FBI into Alabama to find me, which I highly doubt will happen. Although, with my high school, you never know.
Jim moved his right arm out from underneath my body to on top of my shoulder, and in doing so, he started to kiss my neck. I immediately tensed up at the feeling of warmth running through my entire body. He turned me over to face him and he rubbed my cheek with one of his hands. "You're so beautiful, Annie." I slightly opened my eyes and gave him a small grin in response. He moved his hand down to my left hand, squeezed, and he moved his head closer to mine. He kept nudging his forehead closer and closer until both of our bodies were finally touching. He put his strong hand underneath my chin and raised my head so our lips were only about two inches apart. He pulled me in and kissed me, gently at first, then he wanted more.
I wasn't sure if I wanted more, or if I wanted to stop. He kept pushing his mouth on mine, only parting for a breath or two. Then, he removed his hand from mine and placed at the front of my thigh. I gasped, but he just kept on kissing me. He moved his hand up, slowly making his way to the front of my SOFFE shorts that were probably too short to wear out in public. He sat me up and I tossed my legs around his waist so I was sitting on his lap. He pulled me closer to him as he slid his hand up my shirt, and kissed me so hard, it almost hurt me. He lifted me off of him and laid me down on the bed as he stood up and walked toward the door. "We need to lock this."
"Why?" I said, trying maintain a normal breathing pattern since he pretty much knocked the wind out of me.
"So Robert won't walk in on us."
He came back over to the bed, as I needed him now more than I ever thought could be possible, and whispered in my ear, "Now, where were we?"
He unzipped his pants as quick as he took my underwear off and pushed himself inside of me. I felt satisfaction, nervousness, and want all at the same time. He kept moving in and out of my vagina as he kissed my neck and grabbed my left boob, which hurt like hell to be honest. He hit a spot that made me gasp and I shot up, kissed his mouth, and pulled him closer. He smiled and kept kissing my neck as I grabbed a fistful of his hair and slightly moaned when he kissed my neck one last time before slowly moving down to my stomach. Then, he came back up, kissed my mouth, and held himself up while he.. you know. And then he pulled himself out, put his boxers back on, and laid down next to me. He pulled me close to him and said, "I'm sorry."
I turned to look at him, and he was almost tearing. "I shouldn't have done that to you." Did he mean just now? Or when I was too sick to even care?
"What we did just now?" I whispered.
"No, before. When you couldn't talk to me. Robert assigned me to do that to you and I.. I don't know why I did it. I'm so sorry, Annie."
I looked at him and I knew he was being genuine. He cared about me, and he couldn't hide it anymore. He was too in love with me to let go. "I guess I do love you." He then got up to go unlock the door and grab his shirt and pants off of the floor.
I knew I loved him. I knew that I wanted what happened. I knew. He unlocked the door, and sat back down on the bed and tensed up. I raised my head, sat normally behind him, and started to massage his shoulders.
"I love you, too." I finally whispered in his ear. And with that, we both fell back into the deepest sleep I think that both of us have ever had.

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